Ben Sandoval


Name: Benjamin Sandoval

Gender: Trans-man, he/him

Age: 26-38
Birthday: 21 April

Occupation: EMT

Tropes: Strong and Skilled, Academic Athlete, Preacher's Kid, Mentor in Queerness, Married to the Job, Undying Loyalty, Parental Issues, Friend to All Children


Faceclaim: Laith Ashley

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color:

Height: 5' 11"

Piercings: Earlobes
Scars: Top-surgery scars

If your muse knows Ben...

They may also know:

Ben is an EMT — a career that he loves for the opportunity to help others. In his free time he also works as a volunteer LGBTQ crisis support worker. He puts his all into his work, and He can be reserved before he gets to know others well, though is always working hard to be empathetic to and compassionate to others, and once you've gained his loyalty he will defend you to his last breath.
Growing up in a small town, Ben was raised in a devoutly religious family; the first of Pastor Wilson Sandoval's three children. As a child, he had high grades and captained his school's basketball team (an Atlanta Hawks fan). After graduating high school, Ben was beginning to come to terms with his gender, however was wary of his parents reactions, waiting until a number of years after he had moved away to come out to them. He struggled throughout this time with his mental health, keeping his depression and anxiety unknown to his parents as best he could. Unsurprisingly to Ben, they did not react well to his coming out, his father in particular unable to align his faith with Ben's gender. As an adult, he only has occasional contact with his family, his parents unwilling to accept him.