

Condition Blue

Normal Checkups

Normal Procedures

Critical health at 40%

Condition Yellow 

Less Checkups

Less Normal Procedures

If any SCP is located in LCZ, move to Condition Orange measures!

Critical health at 40%

Condition Orange

No Checkups at All during This Code

Medkit Healing only, unless for surgeries!

Be on edge!

Critical health at 20%

Condition Black 

Possible Medbay Lockdown may happend

No checkups, no surgeries, just heal.

Condition Red 

Almost Guaranteed Medical Lockdown

Only EXMs+ should be out of Medbay

Only Command should be in HCZ during this Code. 

No checkups, no surgeries, just heal.

Condition Ragnarok 

Heal Foundation and CI personnel.
Act as this is Condition Orange.

No checkups, no surgeries, just heal.

Condition Nuke 

Get to an Evac Shelter!

Heal if you can