
What is SCP-008

SCP-008 is a highly contagious, incurable virus that affects humans and other primates. It is classified as a Keter-class object due to its potential to cause a catastrophic global pandemic. SCP-008 was first discovered in a small village in Russia, where it infected the entire population and caused widespread panic before containment measures could be implemented.

SCP-008 is primarily spread through bodily fluids, such as blood and saliva, as well as airborne particles. The virus has an incubation period of several hours, during which time the infected individual will experience flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, and fatigue. As the virus progresses, it attacks the brain, causing severe neurological damage and eventually leading to death.

What sets SCP-008 apart from other infectious diseases is its ability to reanimate the dead. Upon death, the infected individual will undergo a rapid transformation, becoming highly aggressive and violent. They will attack and attempt to infect any living organism they encounter, leading to the rapid spread of the virus. These reanimated individuals, known as SCP-008-1 instances, are highly dangerous and difficult to contain, as they are resistant to most forms of injury and appear to have no pain response.

The effects of SCP-008 on animals are still largely unknown, as most testing has been limited to primates and humans. However, there have been reports of infected animals exhibiting similar aggressive behavior and rapid decomposition upon death. It is unclear if SCP-008 can be transmitted to other species, but it is recommended to avoid contact with any infected or potentially infected animals.

Containment of SCP-008 is of utmost importance, as a widespread outbreak could lead to the collapse of society as we know it. The virus is currently stored in a secure facility, and all personnel who come into contact with SCP-008 are required to wear hazmat suits and undergo decontamination procedures. Testing and research on SCP-008 are only permitted under strict guidelines and in highly controlled environments.

SCP-008 presents a unique and terrifying threat, with the potential to wipe out entire populations if not contained and controlled. The study of this virus is crucial in developing effective methods of containment and treatment, as well as understanding the limits of our current medical knowledge.