Chain Of Command


O5 Council 

As the highest authority, This rank has complete control over all its operations within the Foundation. This Rank is known for its extreme secrecy, and is often dismissed by even influential members of society as a mere myth, similar to the Illuminati. 

Site Director | LCZ Manager

Oversees the various day-to-day functions of the facility. 

Director of Research and Security 

Oversees all of the operations of the GENSEC and Research Departments. Provides administrative oversight into operations. This rank can Promote/Strike up to Deputy Head of Research.  


Head of Research

This role is responsible for overseeing the entire Research Department, creating new policies, and collaborating with other Foundation administrators. They have the authority to promote or strike up to the rank of Foundation Doctor. 

Deputy Head of Research

Assists the Head of Research in overseeing the Research Department, managing projects, and creating new policies. They may also lead research teams and assist with testing SCPs.

Promote/Strike up to Research Administrator


Foundation Doctor 

Foundation Doctors are highly regarded for their extensive expertise and experience within the SCP Foundation, and are among the most trusted personnel on-site. As the senior command, they provide oversight and guidance to the Low Command of the department.

Promote/Strike up to Research Manager. 

Research Administrator 

As a Research Administrator, you will be responsible for overseeing Research Command and ensuring that their findings are properly reported to the Heads of the Research Department. You will also play a key role in recommending individuals for promotions and demotions within the department. 

Promote/Strike up to Research Supervisor. 


Research Manager 

The Researcher Manager oversees all non-research command personnel and manages promotions and demotions for all Non-Command Members. They also hold responsibility for supervising all activities related to Keter Class SCPs.

Promote/Strike up to Lead Researcher 

Research Assistant Manager 

The Research Assistant Manager Oversees all non-research command and handles promotions and demotions of non-command. And May approve researchers to test on Euclid class SCPs.

Promote/Strike up to Executive Researcher

Research Supervisor 

Entry position into Low Command. Handles promotions and demotions of non-command. Supervises non command on their day-to-day activities

Promote/Strike up to Advanced Researcher

Research Assistant Supervisor

As a Junior Command member, you will be responsible for overseeing all testing and ensuring compliance with Research operating procedures. You will also assist Research Supervisors with any tasks they may require. Additionally, you may approve Safe Class clearance requests and have been granted access to all SCPs except SCP-106. Welcome to Command! 

Promote/Strike up to Researcher 


Lead Researcher 

After years of honing your skills, you have earned a highly respected reputation within the Foundation. Your expertise grants you access to even the most dangerous Keter-class SCPs, and you are authorized to request access to SCP-106. Additionally, as a recognized authority in the Research Department, you have the privilege of hosting mass tests with the approval of Foundation Doctors or higher.

Executive Researcher 

Your work has landed you a spot in the spotlight. You have access to most SCPs and are well known throughout the site for your work. You are now considered level 3 personnel. 

Senior Researcher

Having dedicated years of service to the Foundation, you possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise on the inner workings of the site. Your contributions are highly valued, and it is important that you continue to keep the sensitive information you have access to Safe. 

Advanced Researcher 

You have proven yourself worthy of such a title, and have been listed as a Senior Researcher. Advanced Researchers are beginning to master their craft, and are individuals who should be treated with utmost respect. Advanced Researchers are required to become a Recruitment Agent. 

Experienced Researcher 

You have shown respectable interest in Research, but aren't quite ready for the expectations of a Senior. You are now trusted to test on certain Keter class SCPs. You can join Thanatology.


Your notable competency in your field has earned you access to the Heavy Containment Zone and a selection of sub-machine guns from the armory. Additionally, you have the opportunity to get trained for Hazmatology. 

Junior Researcher 

As a new recruit to the Foundation, you are not yet authorized to handle Keter SCPs due to lack of experience and trust. Your initial tasks will involve working with Safe-Class SCPs to develop your skills and gain the necessary knowledge. Don't hesitate to ask questions when you need clarification. Junior Researchers who show promise may earn permission from low command to handle Euclid Class SCPs in the Heavy Containment Zone.