
Testing Clearance

Personnel are to consult the Test Access Sheet, and confirm that their test is within clearance, and have met all the requirements. SCPs that are not displayed on the Access Sheet, do not require any permission. Test and write about them as you will. 


Researchers who wish to utilize the assistance of Class-D or maintenance/medical personnel (if in the Heavy Containment Zone) are to employ the use of Security Personnel, R.A.U Units, or Mobile Task Force. If a researcher is found without an escort while utilizing Class-D, said Class-D will be terminated and disciplinary action may be taken against the researcher.


Any LCPL+ needed to escort to HCZ.

Wardens may escort for all SCP Classes


R.I.G units can escort to Euclid SCPs only unless given permission by a Research Administrator+ or DCO+. 

R.I.S units may freely escort for Keter class SCPs.

D-Block Etiquette

Researchers may not enter D-Block on partial or full lockdown without permission from Gensec command. Enforceable by Strike and/or demotion. Researchers should also not be in D-Block longer than necessary. Researchers may only utilize a maximum of 3 Class-D per test, and are to collect them from the designated line and are not to cross any red line. If more than 3 Class-D are needed for an experiment, ask Command.


All Test Logs must be placed on the Forums. Note that plagiarism is not tolerated. Failing to properly credit other researchers for their work will result in your log being voided.

Event Team

Event Team may be used for enhancing RP during tests, you can call one with the “@” sign in game, reason being “Event Team”, with “Other” as player reported.

If you foresee that you will need the ET Member to help you for over 20 minutes, reserve a spot with one over discord or teamspeak

Any single player dupe transfers must be consented by a reserved ET (contacted via Discord, not on the spot)

Group Testing

Command members may assign a Research team to an SCP. The highest ranking researcher in the group is to facilitate all progress made by this team and their testing permissions will determine what the team may test on. For example, if they may regularly request access to an SCP, the command member assigning the group may grant said SCP.

Mass Tests

Command Members may host tests on SCP where everyone is invited to join and propose their ideas. In these tests, any Researcher at any rank can join and give their tests idea to the command, no matter if your rank or what SCP it is. Attending mass tests can lead to getting promotions, prizes, and recommendations in the Research branch depending on your behavior and how well you do.

Cross Tests

Any test between two different SCPs. You may perform any cross test so long as you have permission to test on both SCP’s.