
What Is SCP-173

SCP-173 is a Euclid-class anomalous object that is a highly dangerous and hostile creature that appears to be constructed of concrete and rebar. It stands at approximately 1.8 meters in height and resembles a crudely made sculpture of a human figure. SCP-173's most notable feature is its ability to move at an incredibly fast speed, often using its strange contortions to surprise and attack its victims. SCP-173 is known to be extremely hostile and dangerous, and is considered one of the most dangerous objects in the possession of the SCP Foundation.

SCP-173 was first discovered in 1993, when it was found in the basement of a facility that was being used by a secretive organization known as the "Chaos Insurgency". The Foundation was alerted to the object's existence by an anonymous source and sent a team to investigate. When the team arrived, they found the Chaos Insurgency operatives dead or severely injured, with SCP-173 standing in the middle of the room.

After a lengthy and difficult containment process, SCP-173 was secured by the Foundation and brought to Site-19 for further study. Over the years, researchers have learned a great deal about SCP-173, including its abilities and its weaknesses.

One of the most important aspects of containing SCP-173 is the need to maintain constant visual contact with the object. SCP-173 is known to become extremely violent and aggressive when it is not being observed, and will often attack its captors in an attempt to escape. As such, the Foundation has established strict procedures for handling and containing SCP-173, which include always having at least two individuals in the room with the object at all times.

Additionally, the Foundation has established a number of rules and protocols for researchers and personnel working with SCP-173. These rules include:

Overall, SCP-173 is a highly dangerous and unpredictable object that requires constant attention and vigilance from the Foundation in order to be safely contained. While the object's origins and purpose remain shrouded in mystery, researchers and personnel are constantly working to better understand SCP-173's abilities and weaknesses, in order to ensure that it remains contained and under the control of the SCP Foundation.

What Abilities Does He Posses

SCP-173 is a humanoid creature that is incredibly dangerous, and possesses several abilities that make it difficult to contain. Some of its abilities are as follows: