D5 Site Code System

Site Code System

Code Blue 

is the safest the facility can be, during this time there are no active SCP breaches, D-Class riots, or GOI raids. Use this time to patrol HCZ & EZ for any threats that could remove a Code Blue and escort anyone that needs it (Only For SCP Tests in HCZ/Escorting Maint To EZ), such as a researcher to a test. Set up Checkpoints in and around HCZ & EZ to stop future attempts of escape and infiltration

Code Yellow

Code Yellow can be called during situations of a Euclid class SCP breaches containment or D-Class are heavily rioting but have not breached into HCZ. During this time you are to focus on making sure no D-Class is able to breach into HCZ or assisting Nu7 in SCP Recontainment if they wish for it. Focus on securing HCZ and EZ and use checkpoints to further these goals 

Code Orange

Code Orange is called when either multiple Euclid class SCPs are breached, a Keter class SCP has breached, or D-Class have rioted to the point of taking over LCZ and entering HCZ. During this time you are to focus on making sure no Class-D makes it into EZ and to patrol HCZ and EZ for any further D-Class Escapee’s or GOI Infiltrators from escaping or causing any further harm to the Foundation’s cause or to help Nu-7 with containment breaches if they need it.

Code Black

Code Black is called when a hostile GOI has entered the facility. During this time you are to dispose of the intruders and continue with the other tasks at hand and watch for possible spies among our ranks in the foundation.

Code Red

Code red is when the site is in utter chaos due to Multiple Keter class SCP breaches, uncontrollable GOI raid, or SCP-682 has breached containment. During this time you are to focus on the task at hand and recontain all breached SCPs. SCP-682 is top priority during this time and requires full force to recontain it. If 682 isn’t breached, focus on any GOI/Non-Foundation threats first than deal with SCP’s.

Code Ragnarok

Code Ragnarok is called when the foundation calls for the aid of the Chaos Insurgency [CI] to help secure the site from all possible threats. During this time CI are friendly and you are not to shoot them while they are in the facility assisting in recontaining all the breached SCPs. They should always be given at least 5 minutes to leave the site when all threats are secured.

Code Nuke

Code Nuke is called when the site is completely lost with no hopes of securing it or if SCP-682 manages to breach onto the surface. During this time you are to flee to either the evacuation shelter in LCZ or proceed to the helicopter pad on the Echo-5 oil rig in attempts to escape the Alpha Warheads detonation. After a Code Nuke its a full RP reset back to Code Blue and all SCPs are recontained.