Chain of Command

Chain Of Command 

Ranks and Responsibilities

HCZ Manager

Director of Task Forces

Epsilon-11 Commander

Epsilon-11 Vice Commander

Epsilon-11 Command Overseer

Command Overseers are Officers that hold the ranks of either Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel, these Officers oversee all officers below them and regulate quota and weekly tasks/objectives. Additionally, they work directly with E-11 High Command to keep the Branch's Officer Corp in peak shape. 

Epsilon-11 Senior Command

Epsilon-11 Senior Command is made up of both Captains and Majors, these Officers lead and teach those below them and impact all members of the branch and its Sub-Branches. 

Epsilon-11 Low Command (Lieutenants)

Epsilon-11 Low Command is made up of both Second Lieutenants and First Lieutenants, all Lieutenants are tasked with learning their new position while positively leading their lower NCOs and Enlisted.

Epsilon-11 Junior Command

Epsilon-11 Junior Command is made entirely up of Warrant Officers. All Warrant Officers are placed on a preliminary period while they undergo training and supervision before advancing to the Officer Corp. 

Epsilon-11 Non-Commissioned Officers

NCO's are expected to be knowledgeable about every aspect of the battalion. The duties of an NCO are to guide the enlisted in missions. In addition, NCO are to be focusing on tryouts and managing the Enlisted.

Epsilon-11 Enlisted

Enlisted are expected to learn most things about Epsilon-11. They are encouraged to ask questions and understand their limits and understand what E-11 offers. Enlisted personnel get promoted the most and should maintain E-11 standards to keep the branch reputable.