Redacted Terms/ Becoming FTO

Redacted Terms

There are several redacted terms and phrases in the Foundation that you cannot say for risk of being called AOS (Arrest On Sight) or KOS (Kill On Sight). Saying these words out loud or in comms is considered interfering with Special Forces operations and may result in a strike or worse. The words are as follows: 

The identities of the personnel listed above are also redacted and should not be revealed.

Becoming a FTO

In order to become an FTO, you must be an Maintenance Adept+. Command may pick people to be FTOs if they see that person fit to be an FTO.  Adept+ may request FTO training from any member of command. While being trained for FTO, your trainer will go over the SOP, Guide, & Quiz with you, and the procedures for training. After that, the trainer will preferably do supervised training, where you will train a new person while they watch you. If no new trainee is available, you may do a practice training on an existing member of Maintenance.

Maintenance Professional+ are required to join the FTO program. It is your responsibility to actively seek FTO training if you have made it to this rank and have not gotten it yet.