How Did they Start

How did The Chaos Insurgency Start

The origins of the Chaos Insurgency are shrouded in mystery, as much of their early history has been lost or intentionally destroyed. However, it is widely believed that the group began as a splinter faction of the Foundation, formed by disillusioned and rogue agents who felt that the Foundation's methods were too extreme and oppressive.

The exact timeline of the Insurgency's formation is unclear, but it is believed that it began to take shape in the late 1800s, as the Foundation was still in its early stages of development. These rogue agents saw the Foundation's mission of containing anomalous objects and entities as a means of controlling and manipulating the world, rather than protecting it.

Over time, the Chaos Insurgency grew in strength and influence, recruiting like-minded individuals who were dissatisfied with the Foundation's methods. They began to steal anomalous objects and use them for their own purposes, seeking to disrupt the Foundation's operations and challenge their authority.

The Insurgency's tactics became increasingly violent and brutal, as they sought to overthrow the Foundation and establish their own global dominance. They engaged in acts of terrorism, sabotage, and assassination, targeting Foundation sites and personnel in order to weaken their grip on the anomalous world.

Despite the Foundation's efforts to suppress the Insurgency, they have continued to operate in the shadows, recruiting new members and acquiring more dangerous anomalies. Their ultimate goal remains unclear, but their actions suggest that they seek to overthrow the Foundation and establish a new world order based on their own twisted ideology.