Chain Of Command

Chain of Command 

The Chain of Command (CoC) is the appropriate channel for any questions or concerns you may have. If you have a question, you should first seek out the rank immediately above you. If they cannot assist you, then you may escalate your issue to command. 

Site Admin

Director of Logistics 

It is strongly advised that you do not visit this Person unless you possess a report regarding a high-command member. Within this Rank, you are authorized to carry out promotions and disciplinary actions up to the level of Assistant Head of Medical (AHOMS). 

- High Command - 

Head of Medical Staff 

If the lower-ranked personnel cannot provide answers to your questions or thoughts, this is where you should go. You may also visit this Person if you want to make changes to a sub-branch. However, refrain from doing so unless you are reporting a lower-ranking command member. This rank has the authority to promote and punish  up to the rank of Chief Manager. 

Assistant Head of Medical Staff 

This is the person to go if the lower ranks cannot provide satisfactory answers to your questions. Additionally, if you need to make changes to a sub-branch, you may come here. However, please only do so if it's absolutely necessary. As someone with supervisory power. you have the power to promote and discipline up to Supervisor.

- Senior Command - 

Chief Manager 

"If you have questions that cannot be answered by the ranks below, or need to make changes to a sub-branch, you may come here. However, only report a lower ranking command member if necessary. This rank works closely with high command and oversees low command. You have the authority to promote and punish Doctors with HCMD permissions." 


"If you have questions that cannot be answered by the ranks below, or need to make changes to a sub-branch, you may come here. However, only report a lower ranking command member if necessary. This rank works closely with high command and oversees low command. You have the authority to Promote or Punish up to Elite Medic.

- Low Command - 


You go here if the ranks below this can not answer your questions.

You may promote and punish Senior Medic.


"If the lower ranks are unable to address your questions, you may approach this rank. Additionally, as a member who has completed the trial period, you have the opportunity to train for sub-branches. You also have the authority to report any enlisted personnel. 


As a member of this rank, it is mandatory to be on TeamSpeak. If you have any questions about applying for a deputy position in a sub-branch or for a command role, this is the place to ask. You are classified as a member of command at this rank. During the 2-week trial period, you will be evaluated for potential promotion or demotion. You are authorized to promote and discipline up to the rank of Executive Medic. 


Elite Medic 

As the highest enlisted rank, you have clearance to enter the Heavy Containment Zone at any time and lead patrols. You also have the authority to promote Resident Medics to Medics. 

Senior Medic 

As a Senior Enlisted member, you have the option to apply for command positions via the forums:

With permission from command, you are permitted to enter the Heavy Containment Zone and can obtain the Senior Medic whitelist. It is mandatory for you to become a Field Training Officer (FTO) at this rank.

Experienced Medic 

As an Experienced medical personnel at this rank, you are authorized to lead patrols in the Light Containment Zone with a group. Additionally, you have the authority to initiate lockdowns in the medical area if necessary.

Furthermore, you are eligible to receive training for both Combat Unit and Field Training Officer (FTO) positions. Don't hesitate to ask any command member to provide you with the necessary training.


You no longer have trial period. You may ask any Senior Sub-Division rank to train you for Field medic or Medical Research. 

Resident Medic 

This rank is the initial rank upon completion of medical training. You will undergo a 2-week trial period to demonstrate your proficiency and potential for promotion. Failure to meet expectations may result in removal from the position. Additionally, you are subject to a one-strike policy while in this rank.