How Did The SCP Get Discoverd

How Did SCP-035 Get Discoverd

SCP-035, also known as "The Possessive Mask," was discovered in a ruined crypt in ████████, Italy, in 18██. It is believed to have been created in the 14th century by a now-unknown alchemist. The mask is made of porcelain and has the appearance of a smiling theatrical mask, but it is heavily distorted and twisted in a way that is unsettling to most viewers.

SCP-035 was contained after several reports of its anomalous properties surfaced, which led the Foundation to investigate. Upon retrieval, SCP-035 was found to have the ability to possess any living being that wears it, allowing it to control their actions and thoughts. It was also discovered that SCP-035 is capable of communicating telepathically with its host and has been known to manipulate them into performing various tasks and even committing acts of violence.

In order to contain SCP-035, a reinforced metal container was constructed, and the mask was placed inside. A series of cameras and sensors were installed in the containment chamber to monitor the mask's movements and any attempts to communicate with personnel. Any personnel entering SCP-035's containment chamber must wear protective gear, including full-body suits and masks, to prevent accidental possession.

To further prevent accidental possession, access to SCP-035's containment chamber is strictly controlled, and only personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher are allowed to enter. SCP-035 is to be kept in a high-security containment unit at all times, and any attempts to breach its containment are to be met with lethal force.