Foundation Conditions

Foundation Conditions

Condition Blue
All testing is authorized and allowed, no known security concerns are present within the facility. 


Condition Yellow

Minor threat has been confirmed on-site. All testing may resume as usual unless the threat is confirmed inside of your containment zone; caution should be taken.

Condition Orange
Confirmed threat on site. Minor Keter breach or moderate Euclid breach has been confirmed. Testing may resume as usual if a threat is confirmed to be out of their containment zone. Junior Researchers may operate without restriction. However, caution is highly advised.

Condition Black
Keter and Euclid level breaches have been confirmed on-site. Groups of Interest have also been reported to be on-site. Venturing out of bunks is at your own risk, and you may be captured.

Condition Red
Multiple Keter and Euclid level breaches have been reported, and the site is in a state of calamity. Only Advanced Researchers and above are permitted out at this time. Experienced Researchers and below are subject to locate themselves in a safe area, such as Research Bunks or a Panic Room, until MTF has secured the facility. (Already ongoing tests are exempt from this rule, but are recommended to neatly wrap up their experiment).

Condition Ragnarök
The site is in a state of catastrophe, and most personnel are in a complex woe. As a result, Mobile Task Forces and the Chaos Insurgency team up to put the Site back into a state of tranquility. Multiple Euclid and Keter class breaches have been reported inside the facility, and testing is to be halted. Experienced Researchers and below are to locate themselves in a safe area, and Advanced Researchers and above are allowed to exit the Research bunks; caution is extravagantly advised.

Condition Nuke
All Research Personnel are to locate themselves in an Evacuation or Blast Shelter. The on-site Alpha Warhead will detonate 180 seconds after the Condition Nuke is declared. Deputy Head of Research+ may exit the facility and board the nearest escape helicopter.

Condition White
A XK-Class end of the world scenario is present, and the activation of the on-site Alpha Warhead is imminent. Research Personnel are to locate themselves in an Evacuation or Blast Shelter. Foundation Doctors and above may board the nearest escape helicopter.