D5 General Rules

General Rules 

[1.1] Respectful Conduct

Treat others with respect. Toxicity is not tolerated and doing so will lead to punishments.

[1.2] Promotions

Do NOT ask for promotions. If you're looking to get promoted make sure to be Active, show good Leadership skills, and follow any and all rules.

[1.3] Questions/Concerns

If you have any questions/concerns that cannot be answered by your fellow enlisted make sure to ask a CMD member, we are here to help.

[1.3A] Chain of Command

Follow Chain of Command when faced with a problem that requires a CMD member's help.

[1.3B] Chain of Enlisted

Always follow orders from senior members. Do not ignore orders even if you disagree, if you feel they are unreasonable bring it up to a CMD later.

[1.4] Communication

Delta-5 Members are expected to use all of the communication methods at their disposal. It is required for Delta-5 Members to be in Teamspeak at all times whilst on the job.

[1.5] Door PT

Close doors behind you, especially key card doors to slow down Non-Foundation Personnel and any GOI raiding the facility.

[1.6] LCZ

Under Condition Orange Delta-5 are restricted from entering LCZ unless actively pursuing an Ethical violator. If not actively in pursuit, arrest warrants in LCZ should be left up to Internal affairs to handle.

[1.7] Checkpoints

Before constructing checkpoints consult the MTF Checkpoint Guidelines at the top of the SOP in order to properly enforce the Code of Ethics.