
What Is SCP-096

SCP-096, also known as "Shy Guy," is a humanoid creature that is the subject of intense study and containment by the SCP Foundation. The entity is described as being tall and thin, with long arms and legs, and completely hairless skin. Its most notable feature is its face, which is entirely featureless and lacking in any discernible facial features, save for a small mouth. Despite its unassuming appearance, SCP-096 is one of the most dangerous and feared entities in the Foundation's custody.

SCP-096 is known to be extremely sensitive to any visual stimuli that could reveal its face, and will immediately enter into a state of uncontrollable rage and aggression when its face is observed by any living creature. The entity will then attempt to attack and kill the person who viewed its face, pursuing them relentlessly until either it or the victim is neutralized.

To prevent the potential release of SCP-096, the Foundation has implemented a strict containment protocol. The entity is held in a standard humanoid containment chamber constructed of reinforced steel and concrete, and is monitored by a team of armed guards at all times. The chamber is fitted with several visual and audio dampening systems, designed to prevent any accidental exposure to SCP-096's face.

In the event of a breach, Foundation personnel are instructed to immediately enter lockdown procedures and alert all nearby personnel of the danger. The area surrounding the containment chamber is to be evacuated, and all personnel are to be instructed to avoid looking at SCP-096's face under any circumstances. A designated MTF unit, known as "The Hunters," is then dispatched to track and neutralize the entity.

Due to the extreme danger posed by SCP-096, the Foundation has also implemented several additional measures to minimize the risk of exposure. All personnel assigned to the entity are required to undergo extensive psychological screening and are forbidden from viewing any visual or auditory media that could potentially contain images or sounds that could trigger SCP-096's rage state. Additionally, any sightings or reports of SCP-096 outside of Foundation custody are to be immediately investigated and neutralized, with a priority on minimizing civilian exposure and casualties.

Overall, SCP-096 is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable entities under the Foundation's custody, requiring constant vigilance and care to prevent any potential breaches or incidents. Its unique sensitivity to visual stimuli and uncontrollable rage state make it a constant threat to both Foundation personnel and the general public, requiring the utmost caution and precision in its containment and study.

What abilities does he possess

SCP-096, also known as "Shy Guy," is a humanoid SCP object that possesses several unique abilities. The most notable ability of SCP-096 is its ability to track and identify any individual who has viewed its face, regardless of distance or location. Once identified, SCP-096 will enter a state of extreme emotional distress and immediately begin to pursue the individual.

In addition to its tracking abilities, SCP-096 possesses immense physical strength and resilience. It has demonstrated the ability to break through concrete walls and withstand large amounts of physical trauma, making it highly difficult to contain. SCP-096 also appears to be able to regenerate from most physical injuries, further complicating containment efforts.

Another notable ability of SCP-096 is its heightened senses, particularly its ability to hear and detect movement from great distances. This allows it to quickly locate and pursue its targets, even in heavily populated areas or urban environments.

Finally, SCP-096 has demonstrated the ability to communicate in a limited capacity, despite lacking a discernible mouth or vocal cords. It appears to use a series of clicks and other nonverbal sounds to convey its intentions and emotions.

Overall, SCP-096 possesses a combination of abilities that make it a highly dangerous and difficult-to-contain SCP object. Its ability to track and identify individuals who have viewed its face, coupled with its physical strength and resilience, make it a significant threat to Foundation personnel and the general public.