Research and Development

What is RnD

The Research and Development (R&D) division within the Chaos Insurgency (CI) is responsible for conducting scientific research and developing new technologies to aid the organization's goals. This division plays a crucial role in the CI's operations, as their research helps to further the organization's objectives by providing new tools, weapons, and technologies.

The R&D division is composed of a group of highly trained scientists, engineers, and technicians who work together to conduct research and develop new technologies. These individuals are handpicked for their expertise in a variety of scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering.

One of the main goals of the R&D division is to develop new anomalous objects and technologies that can be used to further the CI's goals. These objects and technologies can range from simple tools and weapons to more complex and dangerous devices. For example, the R&D division may develop anomalous explosives, advanced surveillance equipment, or even anomalous biological agents.

The R&D division is also responsible for reverse-engineering and replicating anomalous objects and technologies recovered from Foundation sites. This allows the CI to gain access to powerful weapons and tools that would otherwise be unavailable to them. The R&D division's expertise in scientific research and engineering makes them well-equipped to understand and replicate these anomalous technologies.

In addition to developing new technologies, the R&D division also conducts research into anomalous phenomena and how they can be harnessed to further the CI's goals. This research can include studies into the nature of anomalous objects, the mechanics of anomalous effects, and the ways in which these effects can be controlled or manipulated.

The R&D division works closely with other divisions within the CI, such as the Mobile Task Force (MTF), to develop new technologies and weapons for use in the field. For example, the R&D division may develop specialized weapons or equipment for MTF operatives to use during their missions.

Overall, the R&D division within the CI is an essential component of the organization's operations. Their research and development work allows the CI to stay one step ahead of their enemies and further their goals through the use of advanced technologies and anomalous objects. Without the R&D division, the CI would be significantly less effective in their operations, and their ability to achieve their objectives would be severely limited.