Chain Of Command

 Director of Logistics

Current Holder: Spixe

This rank is the leader of both Utility Branches. You should not be going to this person unless all else has failed. 

Head Of Maintenance and Engineering

    Current Holder: Ayaya

The individual in charge of this department holds a significant amount of authority, and it's essential to respect their position unless it's necessary to question it. If you find yourself in a situation where you need assistance and can't get answers from anyone else, this is the person you should reach out to.

However, it's important to keep in mind that their time and attention are valuable, and you should only contact them for matters relating to appeals, strikes, roster updates, or reporting issues regarding Maintanence Command.

Assistant Heads of Maintenance and Engineering

Current Holder(s): Stolas, Proredfly

people with this rank are second in command of this branch department and should work closely with the head and they possess almost the same permissions and same clearance level. They are the second person you should go to if other command members aren't able to help you with what you require.

Should only contact about appeals, strikes, roster, and reporting CMD members. 


Current Holder: Elevate, Silence

The Foreman is responsible for managing the Supervisors of the Maintenance Department. If the Supervisors and Managers cannot help you, then go to the Foreman. If they are unable to assist you, they will bring you to the right person to do so.

Should only contact to ask questions that Command below cannot answer.
And when reporting an Operations Manager or below.

 Maintenance Managers

Current Holder(s): Giga

Maintenance Managers are responsible for Managing High-Level Maintenance Staff. If the Supervisors or Managers cannot help you, this is the person to go to. If they are unable to help you, follow the chain of

command and talk to the Foreman.

Should only contact to ask questions that Command below cannot answer. And when reporting an Engineer.         

Facilities Supervisor 

Current Holder(s):  EliasQuickness, Spider, Moose

Facilities Supervisor are responsible for Managing Mid/High-Level Maintenance Staff. If the Managers below cannot help you, this is the person to go to. If they are unable to help you, follow the chain of

command and talk to a Maintenance Manager.

Should only contact to ask questions that Command below cannot answer. And when reporting a Maintenance Technician.     

Operations Manager 

Current Holder(s): RMG, Septhis, Solid, Justagny

Operations Manager are responsible for Managing High/Low-Level Maintenance Staff.

 If the Supervisors below are unable to help you, this is the person to go to. 

If they are unable to help you, follow the chain of

command and talk to a Facilities Supervisor.
Should only contact to ask questions that Command below cannot answer. And when reporting a Maintenance Expert.  

Operations Supervisor

Current Holder(s): Jason Slade

Operations Supervisor are responsible for Managing Mid/Low-Level Maintenance Staff.

 If the Engineers below are unable to help you, this is the person to go to. 

If they are unable to help you, follow the chain of

command and talk to an Operations Manager.
Should only contact to ask questions that Command below cannot answer. And when reporting a Maintenance Professional.  


Current Holder(s): Spoonbwai, Gigazet, Spruce, Gasguy

This is the beginning rank for low command members within the Maintenance branch. These should always be the first people you contact if you need any assistance while playing in Maintenance.

If they are unable to help you, begin following the chain of command upwards.
Should be the first person to ask questions.

And when reporting a Maintenance Adept or below. 

Technician (Tech)

Technicians have excelled in every capacity in maintenance and are dispatched to deal with certain problems that can be especially difficult for other enlisted. They are allowed to maintain Containment Cells if no Containment Specialists are online. They are allowed to enter HCZ & EZ freely and conduct patrols in HCZ with (2) other Junior Maintenance+ and EZ with (2) other Maintenance Adept+. They can promote to Maintenance Journeyman.

[ No Cooldown | Max Enlisted Rank ]

Maintenance Expert (ME)

Maintenance Experts have shown that they are the best at what they do. They are allowed to maintain Containment Cells if no Containment Specialists are online. They are allowed to enter HCZ & EZ freely and conduct patrols in HCZ with (1) other Junior Maintenance+ and EZ with (1) other Maintenance Adept+.
[ 7 Day Cooldown ]

Maintenance Professional (MP)

Maintenance Professionals have proven themselves to be excellent Maintenance workers, and as such, have gained new privileges. They are allowed to maintain Containment Cells if no Containment Specialists are online. They are allowed to enter HCZ & EZ without permission. They are able to exit bunks during Code Red.
[ 5 Day Cooldown ]

Maintenance Adept (MA)

Maintenance Adepts have proven themselves to be exceptional Maintenance Staff. At this rank, they can train for FTO & apply for MMF. They are allowed to maintain Containment Cells if no Containment Specialists are online. They are allowed in HCZ & EZ when escorted by a Maintenance Expert+. If no high ranking members are available, you may receive escort from MTF only to assist/repair self-breaches.
[3 Day Cooldown ]

Maintenance Journeyman (MJ)

Maintenance Journeymen have shown that they are interested in the branch and want to make a name for themselves. At this rank, they can train for Containment Specialist & apply for H.L.P.R. Bot. They are allowed to maintain Containment Cells if no Containment Specialists/Maintenance Adept+ are online. They are allowed in HCZ when escorted by a Maintenance Expert+. They are allowed in EZ when escorted by an Operations Supervisor+. If no high ranking members are available, you may receive escort from MTF only to assist/repair self-breaches.

[ 1 Day Cooldown ]

Junior Maintenance (JM)

Your Journey Starts Here!

Fresh Worker of the Maintenance branch, these personnel are new to the division and have to work their way up the ranks. They are allowed to maintain Containment Cells if no Containment Specialists/Maintenance Adept+ are online. They are allowed in HCZ when escorted by a Maintenance Expert+. They are only allowed in EZ when escorted by an Operations Manager+. If no high ranking members are available, you may receive escort from MTF only to assist/repair self-breaches.
[ 1 Day Cooldown ]