How Did The SCP Get Discoverd

How Did SCP-049 Get Discoverd

SCP-049 was first contained in the year 18██, after reports of a plague that was turning people into undead creatures surfaced in a small village in France. The Foundation dispatched agents to investigate, and discovered that the cause of the outbreak was a man who had been calling himself "the Plague Doctor".

The Plague Doctor, later designated as SCP-049, was found to possess anomalous abilities that allowed him to create undead creatures by touching the bodies of deceased humans. He believed that he was curing the people he came into contact with, but in reality he was only reanimating their corpses and causing them to become hostile.

The Foundation initially attempted to apprehend SCP-049 peacefully, but he proved to be highly resistant to capture and was able to escape multiple times. After several failed attempts to contain him, the Foundation finally resorted to using force and were successful in containing him.

SCP-049 is currently contained at Site-██, where he is kept in a standard humanoid containment cell and is monitored closely by Foundation personnel. His abilities are strictly prohibited, and all deceased subjects must be incinerated to prevent any potential reanimation.