Safe Class

What is Safe Class SCP

Safe Class SCPs are objects or entities that are relatively easy to contain and do not pose an immediate threat to humanity. These SCPs may be inanimate objects, living creatures, or even abstract concepts that can be safely contained through physical or digital means.

Although Safe Class SCPs are considered less dangerous than other classes, they still require careful handling and monitoring to prevent any unexpected incidents from occurring. For example, a Safe Class SCP may have a low probability of breaching containment, but it still requires regular check-ups and maintenance to ensure that it remains secure.

The classification of a SCP as Safe does not necessarily mean that it is harmless. Some Safe Class SCPs possess anomalous properties that could cause harm or danger if they were misused or mishandled. However, these properties are usually well-understood and can be controlled through appropriate containment procedures.

Examples of Safe Class SCPs include SCP-999, a friendly and harmless creature that emits a soothing effect on those around it, SCP-294, a vending machine that dispenses various beverages and substances upon request, and SCP-500, a pill that can cure almost any disease or injury when ingested. While these SCPs are considered Safe Class, they still require careful handling and containment to prevent any potential risks or breaches.