MTF Wraith's

What is MTF MTF Wraith's

Mobile Task Force Wraiths, also known as MTF Wraiths or simply Wraiths, is a special operations force within the Foundation that specializes in covert operations and espionage. Their main objective is to gather intelligence and conduct sabotage missions against groups or individuals that pose a threat to the Foundation's mission of containing and researching anomalies.

MTF Wraiths are known for their exceptional training and expertise in infiltration and exfiltration. They are trained in a variety of tactics, including lockpicking, hacking, disguise, and stealth operations. They are also highly skilled in unarmed combat and marksmanship, making them a formidable force in any situation.

One of the key features of MTF Wraiths is their use of cutting-edge technology and equipment. They are equipped with the latest surveillance and communication devices, as well as specialized tools for covert operations such as grappling hooks, night-vision goggles, and remote-controlled drones. This allows them to gather valuable intelligence while remaining undetected by their targets.

In addition to their primary mission of espionage, MTF Wraiths are also tasked with providing security for high-value Foundation personnel and facilities. They are often deployed to secure research sites or to protect key personnel during high-risk operations.

MTF Wraiths operate in small teams and are highly autonomous. They are able to adapt to changing situations and make quick decisions based on their training and expertise. Due to the sensitive nature of their missions, their operations are kept highly classified and are only known to a select few within the Foundation.

In summary, MTF Wraiths are a highly specialized and skilled force within the Foundation, trained in covert operations and espionage. They utilize advanced technology and equipment to gather intelligence and conduct sabotage missions against threats to the Foundation's mission. Their expertise in infiltration and exfiltration, as well as their combat training, make them a formidable force in any situation.