
How To Recontain SCP-096

Recontaining SCP-096 is a highly dangerous and difficult task that requires careful planning and execution. Due to the unpredictable nature of SCP-096's behavior, recontainment attempts should only be undertaken by highly trained and experienced personnel.

Step 1: Secure the Area

The first step in recontaining SCP-096 is to secure the immediate area around the containment breach. This includes evacuating any non-essential personnel and establishing a secure perimeter to prevent SCP-096 from escaping.

Step 2: Locate SCP-096

Once the area is secured, personnel must locate SCP-096. This can be done using remote cameras or by sending in a small team of highly trained personnel to locate and track SCP-096. It is important to approach SCP-096 slowly and carefully, as sudden movements or loud noises can trigger its violent behavior.

Step 3: Distract SCP-096

Once SCP-096 has been located, personnel must distract it in order to keep it from attacking. This can be done by creating a diversion, such as setting off a loud noise or using decoys to draw SCP-096 away from the containment breach.

Step 4: Subdue SCP-096

Once SCP-096 has been distracted, personnel must subdue it using a combination of sedatives, restraints, and other non-lethal methods. This must be done carefully and quickly, as SCP-096 can become highly aggressive if it senses that it is being threatened.

Step 5: Contain SCP-096

After SCP-096 has been subdued, personnel must transport it to a secure containment facility. This can be done using a specialized containment vehicle or by transporting SCP-096 in a secure container. Once SCP-096 has been secured, it must be monitored closely to ensure that it does not breach containment again.

Step 6: Review and Improve Containment Procedures

Finally, after SCP-096 has been recontained, it is important to review and improve the containment procedures to prevent future breaches. This may include upgrading the containment facility, improving security measures, and conducting regular training and drills for personnel.

Recontaining SCP-096 is a difficult and dangerous task that requires careful planning and execution. Only highly trained and experienced personnel should be involved in recontainment efforts, and all necessary precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of both personnel and the general public.

What Whould Happend if An Attempt To Recontain SCP-096 Failed

Attempting to recontain SCP-096 is an extremely dangerous task, as the entity is highly resilient and can cause catastrophic damage if it is not properly restrained. If an attempt to recontain SCP-096 were to fail, the consequences could be dire.

First and foremost, the failed attempt could result in the release of SCP-096 into the surrounding environment. Given the entity's ability to travel long distances in a short amount of time, it could pose a significant threat to nearby population centers or even entire cities. The Foundation would need to immediately implement a containment breach protocol to prevent SCP-096 from causing harm to the general public.

In addition to the immediate danger to civilians, the failed attempt could also result in significant damage to Foundation personnel and infrastructure. SCP-096 is capable of causing massive destruction to buildings and vehicles, and has been known to pursue its targets relentlessly until they are eliminated. If the entity were to break free of its restraints during a recontainment attempt, it could wreak havoc on the containment site and any nearby facilities.

Furthermore, a failed recontainment attempt could also result in the loss of valuable information and resources. SCP-096 is a highly anomalous entity, and its study has provided the Foundation with invaluable insights into the nature of the anomalous. If the entity were to escape, the Foundation may lose access to vital data and samples that could aid in the development of new containment methods or the study of other anomalous entities.

Overall, a failed attempt to recontain SCP-096 would have far-reaching consequences, posing a significant threat to public safety, Foundation personnel, and scientific research. It is imperative that any attempts to recontain SCP-096 are carefully planned and executed with the utmost caution and expertise.