Chain Of Command

Chain of Command

Please make sure you are following chain of command when dealing with complaints and inquiries. Command members are NOT excluded from this rule!

Military Chain of Command: 

[ Sigma Command | Site Administration ]

General Of Insurgency

[ Gamma Command | High Command ]

Commander (CMDR)

Lieutenant-Commander (LT-CMDR)

[ Senior Delta | Senior Command ]

Colonel (COL)

Lieutenant-Colonel (LT-COL)

Major (MAJ)

[ Delta | Low Command ]

Captain (CPT)

1st Lieutenant (1LT)

2nd Lieutenant (2LT)

[ Junior Delta | Junior Command ]

Provisional Delta (PD)

[ Beta Operative ]

Sergeant Major (SM)

Master Sergeant (MSGT)

Sergeant First Class (SFC)

Sergeant (SGT)

Corporal (CPL)

Lance Corporal (LCPL)

[ Alpha Operative ]

Private First Class (PFC)

Private (PVT)

Recruit (RCT)

Research and Development Chain of Command: 

[ Sigma Command | Site Administration ]

General Of Insurgency

[ Gamma Command | High Command ]

Chief Director of Operations (CDOP)

Deputy Director of Operations (DDOP)

[ Senior Delta | Senior Command ]

Executive Archivist (EARCH)

Senior Archivist (SARCH)

Archivist (ARCH)

[ Delta | Low Command ]

Chief Inspector (CIN)

Senior Inspector (SIN)
Assistant Inspector (AIN)

[ Junior Delta | Junior Command ]

Initiate Inspector (IIN)

[ Beta Agent ]

Supervisory Agent (SVA)

Chief Agent (CA)
Senior Agent (SA)

[ Alpha Agent ]

Office Agent (OA)
Junior Agent (JA)
Initiate Agent (IA)

Rank Equivalency:

General Of Chaos
Commander  = Chief Director of Operations

LT-Commander  = Deputy Director of Operations

Colonel  = Executive Archivist

LT-Colonel  = Senior Archivist

Major  = Archivist

Captain = Chief Inspector

1st Lieutenant = Senior Inspector

2nd Lieutenant = Assistant Inspector

Provisional Delta  = Initiate Inspector

Sergeant Major Supervisory Agent

Master Sergeant[N/A]

Sergeant First Class = Chief Agent

Sergeant  =  Senior Agent

Corporal < Office Agent

Lance Corporal  > Junior Agent

Private First Class  =  [N/A]

Private = Initiate Agent
Recruit  =  [N/A]