
What Is SCP-610

SCP-610, also known as "The Flesh That Hates," is a highly contagious disease that affects humans and animals, transforming them into grotesque, fleshy abominations. The origin of SCP-610 is not fully understood, but it is believed to have originated in the remote Siberian region of Russia.

SCP-610 is transmitted through contact with infected tissue or fluids, as well as through inhalation of airborne particles. Once a subject is infected, the disease progresses rapidly, causing extensive tissue damage and eventually leading to the complete transformation of the subject into a fleshy mass. The transformed subjects are extremely hostile and will attack any non-infected individuals on sight.

SCP-610 has proven to be extremely difficult to contain, as it is highly resistant to most forms of conventional treatment and quarantine measures. The SCP Foundation has implemented strict protocols for handling SCP-610, including complete isolation of infected areas and the use of specialized teams trained in the containment and eradication of the disease.

SCP-610 has been classified as a Keter-class SCP due to its highly infectious and unpredictable nature. The SCP Foundation is actively researching the disease in hopes of finding a cure or effective means of containment, but progress has been slow due to the dangerous nature of the disease and the limited resources available for research.

In addition to its physical effects, SCP-610 has also been known to cause psychological distress in those exposed to it, leading to paranoia, hallucinations, and other forms of mental instability. As such, personnel assigned to work with SCP-610 are carefully screened and monitored for signs of psychological stress.

Overall, SCP-610 remains one of the most dangerous and unpredictable anomalies in the possession of the SCP Foundation, and efforts to contain and understand the disease continue to be a top priority for the organization.

What abilities does he possess

SCP-610, also known as "The Flesh That Hates," is a highly contagious and virulent disease that affects organic tissue. The disease is believed to have originated in a remote Russian village and has been categorized as a Type Green hazard by the SCP Foundation.

SCP-610 exhibits several unique abilities that make it a dangerous threat to human life. The most significant ability of SCP-610 is its ability to infect organic matter through physical contact, causing the cells of the host organism to rapidly mutate and convert into a mass of flesh and bone. The transformation is rapid, and the infected organism quickly loses all recognizable human features, often becoming a writhing mass of flesh.

The disease can spread through multiple mediums, including airborne particles, bodily fluids, and even the remains of infected organisms. SCP-610 can also survive outside of a host organism, making it extremely difficult to contain.

Another ability of SCP-610 is its ability to influence the behavior of infected organisms. Infected organisms often exhibit heightened aggression and a compulsion to infect other organisms, creating a rapid spread of the disease. SCP-610 can also control the movement of infected organisms, causing them to behave in a coordinated manner.

SCP-610 is highly resistant to conventional methods of containment and eradication. The SCP Foundation has implemented strict quarantine protocols to prevent the spread of the disease, and research is ongoing to develop effective treatments and containment measures.

It is not known how SCP-610 originated or how it gained its abilities, but it is believed to be a result of a biological weapon experiment gone wrong. The SCP Foundation continues to investigate SCP-610 and its origins to better understand the threat it poses to humanity.