Site Codes

Site Codes

Condition Blue:

On Condition Blue, you are not to interact with or enter the facility at all. While on this Defcon, we are not to interact with any D-Class or CI UNLESS ON PATROL. Typically E-11 will remain in their base, and await further instructions.

Condition Yellow:

On Condition Yellow, you may be requested on-site to help with any SCP’s or any D-Class breaches (Only Foundation Branch Command may request you). While on this Defcon, we are not to interact with any D-Class or CI unless engaged upon or requested in unless on patrol.

Condition Orange:

On Condition Orange, Epsilon-11 is to enter the site and deal with whatever the problem may be. If there is an event going on during this defcon, Epsilon-11 is to be split in half. If the event permits MTF Units, split up for operations. We will have some people in the foundation, and some people doing events.

Condition Black:

On Condition Black, Epsilon-11 is to continue operations as if it were a Condition Orange or lower, except now they need to be on high alert for any GOI’s that are in the facility.

Condition Red:

On Condition Red, a significant threat is present in the facility, so all Epsilon-11 resources are to be focused on Site-10. Epsilon-11 will perform whatever operations are needed to ensure the Site’s security.

Condition Ragnarok:

On Condition Ragnarok, Chaos Insurgency personnel are requested into the facility to help assist the Foundation personnel in re-containing the Site. All Epsilon-11 are to refer to CI as friendly’s until the Condition is called off. Typically this is called on a Condition Red or lower.

Condition Nuke:

When Condition Nuke is called, this means that the Site is completely uncontrollable, and the on-site Warheads are going to detonate. Epsilon-11 is to escort all Level 3+ Personnel off-site, and all Level 4+ Personnel onto the helipad. (Any Level 2 or lower caught trying to leave are to be KOS)

Condition White:

When Condition White is called, this means that there is a XK class end of the world event in progress, and this will almost always be followed up by Condition Nuke.