What Is an SCP                                                     

SCP stands for "Secure, Contain, Protect," and it is the mission of the SCP Foundation, a fictional organization within a collaborative creative writing website, to accomplish those goals. SCPs are anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena that pose a threat to humanity or have properties that make them unique or interesting. These SCPs are given a unique designation number (such as SCP-173 or SCP-096) and are typically accompanied by a detailed description of their properties, history, and containment procedures.

The SCP Foundation is responsible for containing and studying these anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena, often at great expense and risk. SCPs can range from seemingly harmless objects to world-ending entities, and each SCP has its own unique properties and containment procedures. Some SCPs are physical objects that can be contained in a secure facility, while others are entities or phenomena that require special procedures or equipment to contain.

SCP-173, for example, is a statue that can move and attack humans when it is not being observed. SCP-096 is a humanoid entity that becomes violent when its face is seen by anyone, leading to the deaths of all who witness it. SCP-3008 is a seemingly endless Ikea store that traps anyone who enters it.

The SCP Foundation is dedicated to researching these SCPs to better understand their properties and to find ways to contain and neutralize them. They have a vast network of agents, researchers, and containment specialists, and they operate around the world in secret, often without the knowledge of governments or the public.

SCP Foundation lore has become a popular subject of fanfiction, art, and gaming, with many online communities dedicated to exploring and creating new SCPs. The SCP Foundation has become a cultural phenomenon, with its own jargon, memes, and fanbase. Whether you are a fan of horror, science fiction, or just enjoy a good story, the world of SCPs is a fascinating and endlessly creative one to explore