The Serpent's Hand

What is The The Serpent's Hand

The Serpent's Hand is a secretive and enigmatic organization within the anomalous community that is dedicated to protecting and liberating anomalies, as well as opposing the Foundation and other organizations that seek to control them. The organization has a diverse membership that includes humans, anomalies, and even some entities that are beyond human comprehension.

The origins of the Serpent's Hand are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have been founded in the early 19th century by individuals who believed that anomalies should not be suppressed or controlled, but rather allowed to exist and thrive in their own way. Over time, the organization grew in size and influence, and its members began to collect and safeguard anomalies, often using them to further the organization's goals.

The Serpent's Hand operates through a decentralized network of cells, each of which operates independently and has its own unique goals and objectives. While some cells focus on acquiring and safeguarding anomalies, others are more concerned with spreading the organization's ideology and advocating for the rights of anomalies. The organization is known for its secrecy and compartmentalization, with most members only having knowledge of the activities of their own cell.

One of the core beliefs of the Serpent's Hand is that anomalies are not inherently evil or dangerous, but rather are simply different from humans and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. They believe that the Foundation and other organizations that seek to control and contain anomalies are misguided and ultimately harmful, as they perpetuate a cycle of fear and violence that only serves to make anomalies more dangerous.

The Serpent's Hand has been known to engage in a variety of activities to further its goals, including theft, sabotage, and even open conflict with the Foundation and other organizations. They have been involved in several high-profile incidents, such as the theft of SCP-105 from the Foundation's custody and the liberation of several SCPs from a Foundation containment facility.

Despite their often controversial methods, the Serpent's Hand is seen by many anomalies as a necessary counterbalance to the Foundation and other organizations that seek to control and contain them. Some anomalies have even allied themselves with the organization, seeing it as their best chance for freedom and autonomy in a world that is hostile to their existence.

In conclusion, the Serpent's Hand is a secretive and enigmatic organization within the anomalous community that is dedicated to protecting and liberating anomalies, as well as opposing the Foundation and other organizations that seek to control them. While their methods and goals may be controversial, they are seen by many as a necessary counterbalance to the Foundation's power and influence.