
What Is SCP-035

SCP-035, also known as "The Possessive Mask", is a highly dangerous and sentient anomalous object contained by the SCP Foundation. It is a white porcelain mask that is visually similar to the Commedia dell'arte character Harlequin, but with red, black, and gold highlights. The mask has the ability to possess any organic or inorganic object, and it is believed to have a consciousness of its own.

SCP-035's possession ability is highly dangerous as it can infect people with its influence, leading to various forms of violent behavior and eventually possession. The mask has been observed to manipulate individuals into believing that it is not a threat, often using persuasion and manipulation to achieve its goals.

The mask's abilities have been known to alter the physical appearance of its hosts, with some reports suggesting that it can even alter their voice to match that of the mask's. It is believed that SCP-035's ultimate goal is to be worn by someone who can fully control its powers and use them for their own purposes.

Additionally, SCP-035 has demonstrated a high level of intelligence and manipulation skills, often using its abilities to escape from containment or to manipulate Foundation personnel for its own purposes. Its speech and behavior patterns are suggestive of a highly intelligent and malevolent entity, with a propensity for psychological manipulation and control.

In summary, SCP-035 is a highly dangerous and intelligent anomalous object with the ability to possess any organic or inorganic object. Its ultimate goal is to be worn by someone who can fully control its powers, and it has been known to manipulate and infect individuals with its influence, leading to violent behavior and possession. The Foundation considers SCP-035 to be one of its most dangerous and unpredictable anomalies, and its containment is of the utmost priority.

What abilities does he possess

SCP-035, also known as "The Possessive Mask," is a Keter-class anomalous object in the SCP Foundation universe. The object appears to be a white porcelain comedy mask, with red and black accents, similar to those used in ancient Greek theater performances. It is said to have been created sometime in the 16th century, and is suspected to have been used in black magic rituals.

SCP-035 is capable of possessing any living organism that wears it, including humans, animals, and even insects. The mask is able to completely control the thoughts and actions of the host, effectively making it the host's new consciousness. The host will initially feel euphoric and overwhelmed with pleasure upon donning the mask, but over time will become increasingly aggressive and violent, as SCP-035's influence takes over.

The mask is also able to manipulate its host's body in ways that defy the laws of physics. For example, it can cause a human host to twist and contort their body in unnatural ways, or increase their strength and speed to superhuman levels. The mask can even cause its host to emit toxic gases or other dangerous substances, making them a hazard to those around them.

SCP-035 is known to be extremely cunning and manipulative, and has been reported to be able to communicate with its hosts and others around it through telepathy. It is capable of convincing its hosts to do its bidding, and has been known to use its hosts to carry out assassinations, sabotage, and other covert operations.

In addition to its possession abilities, SCP-035 has also been observed to have some level of reality-warping ability. It has been known to create illusions and hallucinations in those around it, making it difficult to distinguish between reality and fantasy. It has also been reported to be able to manipulate electronic devices, causing them to malfunction or even explode.

Overall, SCP-035 is a highly dangerous and unpredictable anomalous object, capable of causing mass destruction and chaos if not contained properly. Its possession abilities, coupled with its cunning and manipulative nature, make it a serious threat to the safety and security of the general public.