Containment Breach

Containment Breach Of 173- Log#1

Name: Pablo

Rank: Junior Researcher


Deaths: (Redacted)

Breach Info: SCP-173, also known as "The Sculpture," is a highly dangerous and hostile entity that is contained at Site-19. Despite its seemingly simple appearance as a statue made of concrete and rebar, SCP-173 possesses a number of anomalous abilities and a propensity for violence.

On one occasion, SCP-173 breached containment at Site-19, resulting in a significant containment breach that posed a serious threat to personnel and the surrounding area. The following is a detailed account of the SCP-173 breach at Site-19.

The breach occurred on a routine day during which no unusual activity had been reported. At approximately 11:25 AM, a security officer stationed in the observation room reported that SCP-173 had moved from its previous location, despite the fact that it had not been observed moving by any other personnel.

Security personnel immediately activated the Site-wide alert system, notifying all personnel of the containment breach and ordering them to evacuate the area. The breach protocol was initiated, and MTF units were mobilized to contain SCP-173.

Upon arrival at the containment chamber, the MTF unit discovered that SCP-173 had completely destroyed the reinforced door and was no longer in its chamber. The unit began a sweep of the area, searching for SCP-173.

During the sweep, several personnel reported seeing SCP-173 moving in their peripheral vision. SCP-173 was able to avoid direct observation by rapidly moving from one location to another and hiding behind obstacles. This made it difficult for the MTF unit to track its movements.

The situation escalated when SCP-173 attacked and killed several members of the MTF unit. Its anomalous ability to move quickly and unpredictably allowed it to avoid gunfire and incapacitate its targets with deadly force.

The situation was eventually resolved when a team of researchers discovered a weakness in SCP-173's anomalous ability. They found that SCP-173 was only able to move when not observed directly, and would freeze in place as soon as it was seen. Armed with this knowledge, the MTF unit was able to corner SCP-173 and contain it successfully.

Following the breach, a comprehensive review of Site-19's containment protocols and procedures was conducted. Measures were taken to improve the strength of containment procedures, including the installation of additional surveillance equipment and the implementation of more rigorous testing procedures for all SCP objects.

Overall, the SCP-173 breach at Site-19 was a stark reminder of the dangers posed by anomalous objects and the need for constant vigilance in the containment of such objects.

How can we improve containment: Increased surveillance: More cameras and other surveillance measures can be installed to monitor SCP-173 and ensure that it remains within its designated containment area.

Overall, improving the containment of SCP-173 requires a combination of increased security measures, better monitoring and surveillance, regular maintenance, and effective emergency protocols. By constantly evaluating and updating containment procedures, we can better ensure the safety of all personnel and prevent any potential breaches.