
How Did The SCP Get Discoverd

SCP-096 was first discovered on ██/██/████ by a small town in rural Alaska, after a series of brutal attacks on local civilians. Witnesses reported seeing a tall, emaciated humanoid with abnormally long arms and legs, skin devoid of pigmentation, and a face described as "inhumanly grotesque."

Foundation agents were alerted to the incident and quickly dispatched to the location. Upon arrival, they discovered that the creature responsible for the attacks had already disappeared into the surrounding wilderness.

Using tracking dogs and aerial reconnaissance, Foundation agents were able to locate SCP-096 and track its movements. The creature was observed traveling for several miles through the wilderness, often stopping to look back over its shoulder in what appeared to be a state of distress.

As agents continued to monitor SCP-096's movements, they began to piece together the nature of the creature's anomalous properties. It was observed that when any individual viewed SCP-096's face, either directly or indirectly, the creature would immediately enter into a state of extreme agitation and attempt to eliminate the individual by any means necessary.

Over the course of several weeks, the Foundation worked to contain SCP-096, utilizing a variety of techniques and procedures to minimize the risk of accidental viewing. Eventually, SCP-096 was successfully contained and transported to Site-██, where it remains to this day under strict security protocols.

The discovery of SCP-096 had significant implications for the Foundation's understanding of anomalous creatures and their potential dangers. Its anomalous properties represented a significant challenge to containment, requiring the development of specialized protocols and technologies to ensure its continued containment.

Since its discovery, SCP-096 has been the subject of extensive research and study, with the ultimate goal of better understanding its anomalous properties and the potential threat it poses to humanity. Despite numerous attempts to neutralize or terminate SCP-096, the creature remains one of the most enigmatic and dangerous anomalies under the Foundation's control.