Delta-5 Ranking Structure

Ranking Structure

Chain of Command

HCZ Manager: Ozzie

DoI: N/A

CMDR: Trizium

VCMDR: Shadows

VCMDR: GameHunter

COL: Fruitt

COL: Acee




These are the lowest ranks in Delta-5. Just learning the ropes and getting to understand how the branch runs, Enlisted are trusted with making sure everything in the site is taken care of, mainly holding down checkpoints and patrolling around HCZ & EZ, They are just trying to make a name for themselves.
These ranks are comprised of Recruit [RCT], Private [PVT], Private First Class [PFC], Lance Corporal [LCPL] and Corporal [CPL].

[4.3] NCO

These members of the enlisted have proven themselves to be good in what they do. They are trusted in mentoring new members of Delta-5. Although not command they are still trusted members of Delta-5. NCO’s are to ensure that Checkpoints are up and running and to patrol the facility (HCZ/EZ) with members of Delta-5 to keep up sitewide security effective as possible and to enforce the Code of Ethics and are allowed to call AOS orders against those breaking these very codes (For those who are HCMD+, Delta-5 are allowed to call a “summons” and a tribunal will be laid out instead)
These ranks are Sergeant [SGT], Staff Sergeant [SSGT], Master Sergeant [MSGT], and Sergeant Major [SM].

MSGT may promote up to Private, and SM may promote up to PFC.

[4.4] Junior Command

Warrant Officer [WO]: Warrant Officers are the supervisors to all Delta-5 Enlisted and NCO personnel and are the first rank of command. Warrant Officers are to report to Low Command+ when carrying out disciplinary actions under Delta-5 personnel under their direct supervision. Warrant Officers are based on a 2-Week Evaluation period which will ultimately decide if they have proven themselves to be Delta-5 command material. Warrant Officers may promote up to CPL.

[4.5] Low Command

2nd Lieutenant [2LT]: The second rank of low command. They’re the new kid on the block in command and they are tasked with mentoring new members and NCO’s in the branch. 2LT Can promote, strike, demote up to SGT.

1st Lieutenant [1LT]: The third rank in low command. Their job is to help mentor newer NCO’s as well as prove themselves worthy of joining the ranks or SCMD. 1LT can promote, strike, demote up to MSGT.

[4.6] Senior Command

Captain [CPT]: The fourth rank in command. Their job is to help mentor the newer command and keep upper ranks posted on them. CPT is able to promote, strike, demote up to SM.

Major [MAJ]: The fifth rank in Command and the highest rank of Senior Command. They are in the middle of the road in command and with that comes the responsibility of mentoring low command and reporting anything to the command overseers. Maj is able to promote, strike, demote up to WO with High Command permission.

[4.7] Command Overseers

Lieutenant Colonel [LTCOL]: The sixth rank in command, LTCOL take direct orders from High Command+ and are directly tasked with keeping low/senior command in order. They can promote, demote, and strike up to 1LT with High Command permission. 

Colonel [COL]: The seventh rank in command and the highest rank in Command without being High Command. They take direct orders from High Command+ and are their direct subordinates, tasked with keeping low/senior command in order. COL is future High Command in the making and has to prove they are ready to join the ranks of High Command. They can promote, demote, and strike up to MAJ with High Command permission.

[4.8] High Command

Vice Commander [VCMDR]: The first rank in HCMD and the right hand man to the Commander themselves. VCMDR listens directly to the Commander+ and can promote, demote, and strike up to LTCOL. This position is appointed by the Director of Task Forces.

Commander [CMDR]: The highest rank in Delta-5. The Commander reports directly to the Director of Task Forces and can promote, demote, and strike up to COL. This position is appointed by the Director of Task Forces.

[4.9] Site Administration

These are the people who run the foundation. Anything and everything goes through them. You take orders from them all, mainly the Director of Intelligence [DoTF] and the HCZ Manager. The DoI is appointed by the HCZ Manager, and the HCZ Manager is appointed by the O5 Council themselves.