


 Hotshot Advanced Tactics Guide

 “One may see qualities at a distance but, the truth from close”.

Requirements to join: LCPL+

Hotshot Overview

As a Hotshot you are an advanced shotgun specialist that excels in skills with close range weapons, as a hotshot you have extraordinary Close Quarter Combat (CQC) and Guerilla Tactic skills to get the upper hand from close range fights.

Rules and Tactics

You are always required to be in the front of a battle, since you specialize in CQC and don’t have any long range weapons.

Always be aware of your surroundings, Don’t stand in the middle of a hallway knowing you are in the front.

You cannot buy long range weapons. The purpose of this class is to fight in close range battles, but you may buy yourself different weapons based on sub-branch rankings.

(this still applies during weapon restriction lifts)

As a “Hotshot” you can protect higher ranking members of CI, as their life is a higher priority to yours.

As an “Hotshot” you have increased health and armor. Don’t hesitate to push a room, As your shotgun won’t do much from far.

Hotshot 'Inferno' Unit

The Hotshot ‘Inferno’ Unit is a handpicked job by the Hotshot Heads/Deputy Heads. The ranks eligible for ‘Inferno’ Unit are Ravager+. These CQC operatives are masters at using shotguns and SMGs.

The police shield may not be placed during Mech, Echo-5 Outpost, or Generator Raid.

Ranking System

Close Quarters Operator - CQOP

You have been newly recruited into the hotshot branch. Your task is to engage in close quarters combat and protect your higher ups. Only a few shotguns and pistols can be purchased as a CQOP. You will follow orders from ranks Ravagers and above.

Shotguneers - SGN

You have shown mild expertise when handling shotguns. You will be allowed to buy any shotgun and pistol. You will follow orders from Ravagers when no Deputy Heads/Heads are on.

Ravagers - RVG

You have an excellent knowledge of shotguns and are tasked to lead CQOPs and SGRs when no Deputy Heads/Heads are on. You are allowed to buy/craft any shotgun, pistol, SMG and melee weapon. Ravagers are also allowed to train new Hotshots into the branch. Being Command automatically makes you a Ravager

Deputy Head of Hotshots - DHHS

You have shown extreme dedication to the hotshot branch. You are to look over all enlisted personnel. Can promote up to Ravagers.

Head of Hotshots - HHS

You are to overlook all activities conducted by every hotshot as a whole. Can promote up to Deputy Head of Hotshots (with Military Gamma permission).

Overseer - OVS [REDACTED]

Overseer - OVS [REDACTED] Overseer - Oversees all military sub branches and their activities. Has edit access to SOP.

Rankings Created by: New Rowphin & Pills                                                                                                                                                                                           Rankings may change anytime


Primary: Remington 870

Secondary: CS;GO Mp5

Lethal: Frag Grenade

Heads of Hotshot


Head of Hotshot - Clyde

Deputy Head - Phill

Deputy Head - TBD/To Be Determined


This SOP is registered to change at ANY time.



In this Chaos Insurgency specialist unit, designated Longshots, there are multiple kinds of operatives, standard operatives will be noted in this section.

Requirements to join: CPL+

Objective Statement:

Longshots are created to watch and kill targets from afar and focus on good communication/call-outs, taking more range than the regular operative has. You also act as the assassins, for example if you see a CI member captured, and you are unable to save him. Take the shot so no information is leaked to the foundation.


Foundation Setup Areas

-EZ/HCZ Bridge to watch the opposite/forward side for MTF units

-Long hallways

In each of these spots Longshots are used as both spotters to see the enemy, and attackers to take out the enemy

Surface Setup Areas 



-Gate-A/Gate-B Ramp to watch for combatants

In these spots Longshots are able to effectively both take out targets from afar, but also provide good positioning for recon of the surrounding areas.  


As a longshot you are to, whenever possible move in organized groups of up to 3. This is to ensure that you never get caught off guard and possibly captured. While we as longshots excel at long range firefights we do not possess the means to best most others in a close range battle, To combat this you're equipped with a MP5 to atempt to kill your close appoint.

To guarantee success, it’s vital that you shoot for the center of mass. Headshots do more damage, but are much harder to land, so only shoot for the head if it’s guaranteed that you can land it.

The sniper is supposed to be used from mid to long range.

Make sure to disable 3D scopes. This makes the sniper 100% accurate. To disable this hit "q > options > weapon behavior client side > disable both 3D scope options".

Longshot 'Hawkeye' Unit

The Longshot ‘Hawkeye’ Unit is a handpicked job by the Longshot Heads/Deputy Heads. The ranks eligible for ‘Hawkeye’ Unit are Deadeye+. These sniping operatives are masters at using snipers and SMGs.

Ranking System

StraightShooter - STS

Beginner sniper who has just been added to he sub-branch. Prove your marksman abilities to be able to rank up and rack up the kills. You are able to get most snipers and have to stick with the base smg.

SharpShooter - SPS

Your marksman skills are showing to be valuable. Continue to pick off the enemy and stay hidden. You can get most snipers and most SMGs.

DeadEye - DE

You are extremely skilled in your marksman capabilities. Efficiently get kills without being noticed and keep the enemy wondering where you are. You can buy all snipers and all SMGs. You are able to train new longshots. Being Command automatically gets you the rank of DeadEye

Deputy Head of Longshot - DHLS

You are a amazing and well efficient marksman. You have shown you are also a good recruiter for new snipers into our branch.

Head of Longshot - HLS

The best sniper in CI and the best recruiter. Has shown phenomenal work and dedication to longshots and has earned the place.

Overseer - OVS [REDACTED]

Overseer - OVS [REDACTED] Overseer - Oversees all military sub branches and their activities. Has edit access to SOP.

Rankings Created by: Gar , Tydrix                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -Rankings may change anytime

Longshot Armory Guidelines


Primary: Barret M98B

Secondary: MP5

Equipment: Smoke Grenade

Heads of Longshot


Head of Longshot - Kiwi

Deputy Head - Opera

Deputy Head - TBD


This SOP is registered to change at ANY time.


Requirements to join: SGT+ (LVL 65+)

Explosives Specialists are explosive specialists that are equipped with Breaching charges, Slams, sticky grenades, Honey Badger, Desert Eagle, and smoke grenade. Their HP is 200 and they have 175 armor. You must be SGT+ and Level 65+ to get trained as a Explosive Specialist.

How to use Breaching Charges
Right click to place Charge
Left click to detonate
Press R to drop detonator

How to use Infantry Mines
Left click on a surface to plant
Shoot or walk over to detonate

Arming a Bomb

All MTF in the vicinity must be dead. The Explosives Specialist must then walk up to the construction (0-6 prop constructions) and type "/advert [ACT] Attempts to arm bomb" and call a staff, after calling the staff you must /roll and hopefully get a 25+ roll (Only individuals with explosives may assist: Other Explosives Specialists). Successfully rolling a 25+ roll will remove the construction while rolling under 25 will result in a fail. 15 minute cooldown between each detonation.

Please do not abuse explosives to minge or RDM in base. Do not exploit Resets to get more explosives. Abuse of explosives will result in removal of your whitelist! No questions asked.

MTF Checkpoints/Outposts

MTF are able to build checkpoints/outposts. As Explosives Specialist, you are able to destroy these with a 50+ roll after calling staff. If you succeed in destroying the checkpoint, either the staff or you has to advert "Checkpoint (or Outpost) [name] has been destroyed.". The staff member or the checkpoint/outpost builder must then remove the props.

Link to checkpoint/outpost SOP here: MTF Checkpoints/Outposts SOP


Requirements to join: SGT+ (LVL 75+)

Deadshots are one of the most elite sharpshooters in the Insurgency. The Dead-shot takes out everything in it's path if their aim is on point. Their HP and armor are 175 & 200, You must be SGT+ and Level 75+ to get trained as a dead-shot.

Job Details:

Weapon: ci_deadshot (Ruger Wrangler) -> The Rangler

Damage: 110x2x0.85 ( ~ 187 Body) (320 Headshot)

Mag: 5

Can only use this weapon while on this job (donor weapons don't count to this)

Make your shots count while on this job!


Requirements to join: PFC+ (Hosted 50+ raids)

Shotcallers are one of the best leaders inside the Chaos Insurgency, having a lot of experience in the battlefield. They are usually seen with the raid party, marching them into victory. You are required to have hosted 50 raids beforehand to be able to get trained for this job.

You are only allowed on the job when you are going to host a raid, or an activity.

Please do not argue against each other on who is able to hop on the job. Make sure not to hog the job, or else that will lead to your removal of it! No questions asked.