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SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) is a fictional organization responsible for the containment of anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena. These anomalies are often referred to as SCPs.

SCP-001 is considered to be the "original" SCP, as it is the first SCP ever discovered by the organization. It is also the most classified SCP, and its true nature and purpose are unknown to all but a select few.

SCP objects are classified into three categories based on their level of danger and difficulty of containment: Safe, Euclid, and Keter. Safe SCPs are easily contained and pose little to no threat to human life. Euclid SCPs are more unpredictable and require more specialized containment procedures. Keter SCPs are the most dangerous and difficult to contain, and pose a severe threat to human life if not properly contained.

SCP objects can take on many forms, from physical objects like anomalous artifacts and creatures, to abstract concepts like memetic agents and extradimensional spaces. Each SCP is assigned a unique number and file, detailing its origins, behavior, and containment procedures.

The containment of SCPs is crucial to the safety and security of the world, as these anomalies have the potential to cause immense harm if left uncontained. SCP containment procedures often involve complex and specialized equipment, personnel, and protocols, and require constant monitoring to ensure that the anomaly remains contained.

The SCP Foundation operates in secrecy, and its existence is unknown to the general public. Its agents are tasked with locating, containing, and studying anomalies, while also working to keep their existence hidden from the world at large.

SCP research is a constantly evolving field, with new anomalies being discovered and contained regularly. The study of SCPs has led to significant advancements in many fields, including physics, biology, and psychology, and has the potential to unlock even greater discoveries in the future.