Meetings/ TeamSpeak


Global Utility meetings are held every Saturday @ 5pm EST

This is held in TeamSpeak only ( -> Utility Meeting Room)

These are MANDATORY; fill out a meeting absence form if you are unable to attend on a specific week.

Link to Absence Form

Failure to attend meetings or fill out absence forms may lead to strikes and/or removal from the branch.

Those on a Leave of Absence or marked as "Cannot Make Meetings" on the roster are exempt from meetings and do not need to fill out an absence form for as long as they are on LOA/Meeting Exemption.



Here at GL SCP-RP, we use teamspeak for our primary communication between players. You are expected to be on teamspeak while on the server, after you have reached the rank of Maintenance Adept+. 

You can join our TeamSpeak at the URL “”. When joining the TS server initially, you will have to raise your security level (5-10minutes).

If you do not have TS installed, click here -

If you need further assistance, consult this guide

Maintenance Adept+, Containment Specialists, & Level Classes (HLPR/MMF) must be in TS while on the job.