Misc. Other Rules   

Misc. Other Rules

CC Repair Rolling Rules

For all standard RP rolls (i.e. Non-SCP repairs), success is 40+

Repair Success rolls for Containment Cells are as follows:

Windows/Glass (e.g. 035): 40+

Normal CC Doors (e.g. 049): 50+

Applying Base (106 Self-Breach): 50+

Sabotaged Lights (CI Raid): 50+

Large CC Blast Doors (e.g. 173): 60+

Fixing/Checking Lights (280 Self-Breach): 60+

Staff assistance is required for all tasks concerning SCPs. Use /report to call a staff member BEFORE performing a roll, so they may witness the success & perform the needed actions. Rolls CANNOT be verified through logs or screenshots. Failed rolls must wait 5 minutes before retry.

After successfully rolling to repair a door or site system, you and anyone who assisted you in repairing the door or site system are eligible to receive 500 XP from staff. If the staff member who witnessed your roll were to leave before giving you XP, make another report for the XP.

Non SCP doors may be repaired by holding 'e' on a broken door. You will see a timer as well as a progress bar that shows how fixed the door is. The speed of this is determined by what job you are on.