
What Is Medical

"Medical" is the secondary division in the "Utility" branch. Medical has multiple priority's across the foundation including healing, assisting, and combating anomalous diseases.  

Medical is an integral part of the SCP Foundation's operation, responsible for the health and wellbeing of both personnel and anomalies. The medical department is tasked with providing medical care, research, and containment of anomalous biological entities.

Medical personnel within the SCP Foundation undergo rigorous training and are expected to possess a high level of knowledge and expertise in various medical fields, including emergency medicine, infectious disease control, trauma surgery, and anomalous biology. They must be able to adapt to unique and unpredictable situations that arise when dealing with anomalous entities.

One of the primary roles of medical personnel within the SCP Foundation is to provide medical care to Foundation personnel injured in the line of duty, whether in containment breaches or during other hazardous situations. They are also responsible for providing medical evaluations and screenings to new recruits to ensure that they are physically and mentally fit for the job.

Medical personnel play a crucial role in the containment and study of anomalous entities within the Foundation. They are responsible for developing and implementing containment procedures for biological anomalies, as well as researching the effects of anomalous phenomena on living organisms. This includes studying the effects of anomalous entities on human physiology and developing treatments to counteract any harmful effects.

In addition, medical personnel are responsible for monitoring the health and wellbeing of anomalous entities contained within the Foundation. They must be able to adapt to the unique needs of each entity, including providing specialized care for anomalies with abnormal or dangerous biological processes.

Medical personnel within the Foundation also work closely with researchers and other departments to study the effects of anomalous entities and phenomena on human biology. This includes developing new treatments and medications to counteract anomalous effects, as well as researching the possibility of using anomalous phenomena for medical purposes.

Overall, the medical department within the SCP Foundation plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of both Foundation personnel and anomalous entities. Their expertise and knowledge are essential for containing, studying, and understanding anomalous biological entities, and their contributions are vital to the continued success of the Foundation's mission.