Kabuki Make-up

Kabuki Kumadori  歌舞伎隈取 

Kabuki Kumadori is the specific kabuki make-up which emphasizes the face contours and express the emotions growing out of the character's personality. The Kumadori make-up (literally Shadow painting) have been created in the second half of 17th century and are mostly used in Aragoto-style roles.

Kumadori's three basic colors are red, black and blue applied over a white or reddish base. Additional colors such as ochre, gold or purple can also be employed. A brush is used to apply the colors working from the top of the face to the bottom. The actor uses his finger tips to shape and shade.

The two main categories are beni-guma (red) indicating strength, passion and vitality and ai-guma (bleu) indicating fear, supernatural and evil. The other colors such as green indicate ghosts while purple or gold indicate nobility.

Ota Masamitsu made 72 prints describing the different make-up styles in 1928 (Vol.1) -1929 (Vol.2-vol.12) in 12 albums of 6 prints. (All images below courtesy of Darrel C. Karl (https://mjpap.com/index.html)  

Volume 1 with envelop

(Image Artelino)

Volume 1 with explanation note

(Image Artelino)

#01 (vol.1) 

 Role: Kanabôhiki

Play:  Kuruma-biki (Sugawara Denju Tenari Kagami, Act 3, scene 1

Make-up: Congratulations for the imperial coronation

#02 (Vol.4) 

Role: Tora (Tiger)

Play: Ryûko

Make-up: Tiger

#03 (Vol.1)

 Role: Lion spirit

Play: Shakkyo

Make-up: Red Lion

#03 (Vol.1)

Role: Lion spirit

Play: Shakkyo

Make-up: Golden Lion

#04 (Vol.1)

Role: Otokonosuke

Play: Meiboku Sendai Hagi

#05 (Vol.9)

Role:  Seitaka Dôji

Play: Takinoba (Fudô)

#06 (Vol.3)

Role: Kajiwara Kagetaka

Play: Soga no Taimen

Make-up: "Old Kajiwara"

#07 (Vol.10) 

Role:  ?

Play: ?

Make-up: Shôjô

#08 (vol.6) 

Role: Kumagai Jirô Naozane

Play: Ichi-no-ani Futaba Gunki

Make-up: Kuma (Bear)

#09 (Vol.7)

Role:  Kajiwara Kagetaka

Play: for in play "Soga-no-Taimen" 

Make-up for "Young Kajiwara"

#10 (Vol.8)

Role: Oni (Red devil)

Play: Various

#11 (Vol.2)

 Role: Kamakura Gongorô Kagemasa

Play: Shibaraku

Make-up: Genroku Shibaraku

#12 (Vol.5)

Role:  Kaidomaru

Play: Yamanba  (The old woman in the Mountain)

#13 (Vol.3)

Role: Seimen Kongo

Play: Enmusubi

Make-up: Aisen Myoô

#14 (Vol.2)

Role: Seimen Kongô

Play: Hidari Jingorô

#15 (Vol.6)

Role: Fudô

Play: Fudô

#16 (Vol.4)

 Role: Kani (Crab)

Play: ?

#17 (Vol.3) 

Role: Asagao Sempei

Play: Sukeroku

#18 (Vol.2) 

Role: Matsuomaru (Pine)

Play: Sugawara Denju Tenari Kagami

Make-up: Old

#19 (Vol.10)

Role:  Benkei

Play: Kanjincho

Make-up: Antique Benkei

#20 (Vol.2)

Role: Benkei

Play: Gosho Zakura Horikawa no Youchi

#21 (Vol.6)

Role:  ?

Play: ?

Make-up: Gama (Toad)

#22 (Vol.8)

Role:  Sakuramaru (Cherry-tree)

Play: Sugawara Denju Tenari Kagami

#23 (Vol.11)

 Role: Puppet impersonating Kwan the Minister  Sugawara

Play: Tenjinki

Make-up: Kanshôjô of Mt. Tempai-san

#24 (vol.10)

Role:  ?

Play: ?

Make-up: Nihon (Two-lines)

#25 (Vol.12) 

Role:  Gokumon Shobei (Shobei the scaffolded)

Play: ?

#26 (Vol.5)

Role:  Shirabyôshi Hanakô as Kiyohime

Play: Musume Dojôji

#27 (Vol.9)

Role: Shirabyôshi Hanakô as Kiyohime

Play: Musume-Dojôji

Make-up: Demon-witch

#28 (Vol.9)

 Role: Higuchi

Play: Sakarô (Hirakana Seisuiki)

#29 (Vol.8)

 Role:  Umeômaru (Plum-tree)

Play: Sugawara Denju Tenari Kagami

Make-up: Two-lines

#30 (Vol.12)

65 Role:  Konkara Dôji

Play: Scene Nachi waterfall in Mongaku Shônin

#31 (Vol.8) 

Role:  Songôku

Play: Tsuizoku Sayûki

Make-up: Saru (Monkey)

#32 (Vol.10)

 Role:  Matsuomaru (Pine)

Play: Sugawara Denju Tenari Kagami

Make-up: Two-lines with flame

#33 (Vol.5) 

Role: Kuretake

Play: Uwanari (Jealousy)

#34 (Vol.2) 

Role: Kamakura Gongorô Kagemasa

Play: Shibaraku

Make-up: Suji (with stripes)

#35 (Vol.6)

Role:  Kamakura Gongorô Kagemasa

Play: Shibaraku

Make-up: Suji (Black circle)

#36 (Vol.9)

Role:  ?

Play: ?

Make-up: Suji (Black circle)

#37 (Vol.11)

Role:  Kamakura Gongorô Kagemasa

Play: Shibaraku

Make-up: Simplified Suji (Black circle)

#38 (Vol.11)

Role:  ?

Play: ?

Make-up: Akanuri (Red painting)

#39 (Vol.7) 

Role: Kagekiyo

Play: Kagekiyo

Make-up: Old

#40 (Vol.1) 

Role: Moronoa

Play: Kanadehon Chushingura

Make-up: Kensaki

#41 (Vol.10)

Role:  Kagekiyo

Play: Kagekiyo

Make-up: Modern

#42 (Vol.8) 

Role: Kagekiyo

Play: Kagekiyo

Make-up: Modern

#43 (Vol.11)

Role:  Moronoa

Play: Kanadehon Chushingura

Make-up: Modern Kensaki

#44 (Vol.6)

Role: Spirit of the Eel

Play: Shibaraku

Make-up: Eel

#45 (Vol.10)

Role:  Namazu-Bôzu

Play: Shibaraku

Make-up: Modern Namazu (catfish)

#46 (Vol.1) 

Role: Kijo

Make-up: Yamanaka Heikurô Kijo

#47 (Vol.11)

Role:  Tosabo

Play: Imo Arai Kanjincho

#48 (Vol.7)

Role: ?

Play: ?

Make-up: Sôsei

#49 (Vol.5) 

Role:  Umeômaru (plum-tree)

Play: Sugawara Denju Tenari Kagami

Make-up: One-line

#50 (Vol.7) 

Role: Umeômaru (plum-tree)

Play: Sugawara Denju Tenari Kagami

Make-up: One-line

#51 (Vol.10)

Role:  Haradashi

Play: Shibaraku (Just a moment)

Make-up: Haradashi  (Unclad abdomen)

#52 (Vol.4)

Role: Warriors Haradashi

Play: Shibaraku (Just a moment)

#53 (Vol.4) Role: ?

Play: ?

Make-up: 63 days

#54 (Vol.12)

Role:  Kanabô-hiki

Play: Sugawara Denju Tenari Kagami

Make-up: Kanabô-hiki (Fore-runner with staff)

#55 (Vol.1) 

Role: ?

Play: ?

Make-up: Mukimi

#56 (Vol.9) 

Role:  ?

Play: ?

Make-up: Antique Mukimi

#57 (Vol.3)

Role: Yakko

Play: Yakko Dako Sato no Harukaze

#58 (Vol.7) 

Role: Tadanobu

Play: Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura

Make-up: Antique fire

#59 (Vol.12) 

Role:  ?

Play: ?

Make-up: Abridged Kayen (Fire and flame)

#60 (Vol.12)

Role:  Kijô

Play: Shinkyoku Momijigari

Make-up: Momijigari (The demon-witch in "Admiring the autumn foliage")

#61 (Vol.9) 

Role:  Asahina

Play: Shôfudatsuki Kongen Kusazuri

Make-up: Asahina #1

#62 (Vol.12) 

Role:  Asashina

Play: Shôfudatsuki Kongen Kusazuri

Make-up: Asashina #2

#63 (Vol.2)

Role: ?

Play: ?

Make-up:  Namanari

#64 (Vol.3) 

Role: Kugeaku

Play: ?

Make-up: Kuge-are #1

#65 (Vol.6)

Role: Kugeaku

Play: ?

Make-up: Kuge-are #2

#66 (Vol.7)

Role: Kugeaku

Play: ?

Make-up: Kuge-are #3

#67 (Vol.5)

Role: Kugeaku

Play: ?

Make-Up: Kuge-are Simple

#68 (Vol.4)

Role: Abe-no-Nakamaro

Play: ?

Make-up: for a court noble 

#69 (Vol.8) 

Role:  Prince Shiheikô

Play: Sugawara Denju Tenari Kagami

#70 (Vol.5) 

Role: Servants 

Play: Shibaraku

Make-up: Bat

#71 (Vol.3) 

Role: Soga Goro

Play: Kanadehon Chushingura

Make-up ancient for the intruder Soga

#72 (Vol.4) 

Role: Tadanobu

Play: Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura

Make-up: Old