Bartonella "Stretch Marks"- It IS Related

Letter to the Author of This Paper (Warren Haymenn)

Regarding this article:

December 23, 2019

It is too bad you didn’t test the striae on that young lady for one of the many Bartonella strains when you had the chance.

We’ve been seeing this sign in countless people with Bartonella for decades and it is used clinically to assist with a diagnosis.

The reason there isn’t more literature confirming this finding is because the research dollars go to only a limited number of people, some of who have stated for years that Bartonella isn’t found in ticks. They must keep alive their theories or be made to look like fools.

Only after 50 plus research papers proved ticks harbored Bartonella they bent a little under the pressure and said, well, it may be in ticks but Bartonella can’t be transmitted to humans.

Additionally, the researcher who did test a patient’s “stretch marks" (you mentioned him in your article) found Bartonella. His work and specifically his testing methods are superior to all others. He happens to be the world’s top researcher on Bartonella and has been publishing on this topic for several decades.

The publishing of your article only serves to take us back to a time when everyone was ignorant and had not studied this particular topic. Your article has no original research and is is simply a rehashing of the inaccurate information published by those with a reputation to try to uphold. BTW- You based your opinion in part on a study that was based on phone calls to patients (young boys) that were never seen by the authors of the paper. Is that what you call science?

In this article- you relied on poor performing tests to form your opinions. Those tests are known to miss 74.9% of those infected (Michael Cook, et. al.). Hopkins also concluded in 2005 the tests missed approximately 75% of those infected. The Borrelia tests are not at all reliable and should never be used as a determining factor to rule anything in or out.

Update- Borrelia afzelli and some of the other strains are not only found overseas. You don’t know what strains/species are here until you look for them. For example see Abstract 198 on the attached pdf. The full article will be available early next year.

If you are unable to do your own research and provide accurate facts, at the very least please do not publish rehashed, inaccurate information. It does not help the patients you took an oath to serve: it only hurts them.

Thank you,

Lucy Barnes

Last Updated- December 2019

Lucy Barnes
