If your insurer denied your claim and you have

Vertigo, light sensitivity,

Visual and /or auditory hyperacuisis,

This information may help support your claim.


LB [The fact your reviewers are unfamiliar with the vast amount of medical and scientific literature regarding chronic Lyme and tick borne infections is no excuse to dilute the existence or severity of the signs and symptoms. Your opinions would be held to a higher standard had they been based on scientific facts and evidence. Unsubstantiated and inaccurate blanket statements with no supporting documentation should be dismissed and this claim be paid.]

*See Attorney General’s Anti-trust Violations Report on IDSA and AAN Lyme Guidelines- The AG found the Panels/Guidelines were extremely biased and riddled with conflicts of interest.

“Ten patients (14%) had serological evidence of Borrelia infection. All 10 patients had severe, incapacitating vertigo.” Borrelia infection and vertigo. Rosenhall U; Hanner P; Kaijser B. Acta Otolaryngol, 106(1-2):111-6. 1988.

Six of the patients had rotational vertigo, one had positional vertigo and one had drop attacks of the Tumarkin type. ...vertigo can be the presenting symptom of Lyme disease.”Lyme borreliosis -- an unusual cause of vertigo. Peltomaa M; Pyykkö I; Seppälä I; Viljanen M. Auris Nasus Larynx, 25:233-242. 1998. 13-Jun-06 33


Everyone with LE [Lyme] has their own unique profile of symptoms. The assessment of these signs and symptoms is one facet of the total clinical assessment of Lyme disease.”

“If we compare attention span to the lens of a camera, we need the flexibility to constantly shift the allocation of attention dependency upon the current life situation. A loss of this flexibility results in some combination of a loss of acuity (hypoacusis), and/or excessive acuity to the wrong environmental perceptions (hyperacusis). Hyperacuity can be auditory (hearing), visual, tactile (touch), and olfactory (smell).”

“Auditory hyperacusis is the most common. Sounds seem louder and more annoying. Sometimes there is selective auditory hyperacusis to specific types of sounds.”

“Visual hyperacusis may be in response to bright lights or certain types of artificial lighting.”

Source: Lyme Disease and Cognitive Impairments. Bransfield, R., MD. Mental Health and Illness, Lyme Alliance. Red Bank, NJ http://www.mentalhealthandillness.com/

Additional Reading: Otolaryngologic aspects of Lyme disease. Moscatello AL; Worden DL; Nadelman RB; Wormser G; Lucente F. Laryngoscope, 101(6 Pt 1):592-5. 1991.

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes
