If you have had the

Romberg test confirming subjective symptoms,

And have been denied benefits,

The information below may be

Helpful in supporting your claim.

LB [The majority of symptoms described in scientific medical literature are subjective symptoms. Subjective complaints are not at all unique to Lyme and tick borne disease patients, as they can be found in patients with most any illness, especially in those with chronic illnesses. The fact I have over XX objective test results supporting the diagnosis of multiple chronic tick borne diseases and opportunistic infections, neurologic involvement/damage, and suffer from compromised joints and muscles, is significant. My subjective complaints are supported by the history, with more than XX serology tests alone, abnormal vestibular functioning tests, multiple abnormal neuro-psychological tests/evaluations spanning over a decade, and DNA/PCR tests indicating damage to nerves and muscles.

Additionally, the complaints reported by me to my treating physicians correspond to those reported in scientific literature and have been documented as being relative to chronic tick borne diseases. The Romberg test can be used as a measurement of improvement or decline. It is, therefore, useful in guiding the clinician in assessing the current level of functioning and the development of future treatment protocols.]

“[Romberg Test] The pattern of postural sway is useful for the diagnosis of vertigo.” Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao. 2008 Dec;30(6):672-6.

[Clinical analysis of normal subjects and dizzy patients with postural sway test]. Wen YH, Jiang ZD, Zhang Y, Zhang LS, Gao ZQ. Department of Otolaryngology, PUMC Hospital, CAMS and PUMC, Beijing 100730, China.

“Romberg’s test is a commonly performed test during the neurological examination to evaluate the integrity of dorsal columns of the spinal cord. … It was classically described in patients with tabes dorsalis (neurosyphilis), but can be elicited in many conditions affecting proprioception. This simple test offers an important clue to the presence of pathology in the proprioceptive pathway and should be meticulously carried out during the neurological evaluation. Early detection of reversible causes is desirable as they may be remediable and their treatment can prevent permanent dysfunction and disability.” Khasnis A, Gokula RM. Romberg's test. J Postgrad Med [serial online] 2003 [cited 2011 Jun 30];49:169. http://www.jpgmonline.com/text.asp?2003/49/2/169/894

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes
