Lyme & Tick Borne Disease News

There was a time when we couldn't pay someone to get Lyme related information in the news. Times, thankfully, have changed.

Today there are so many articles, tv segments and radio spots on Lyme disease that you can simply GOOGLE the words Lyme and News and get, as I just did...

"About 25,200,000 results (0.56 seconds)"

I can't keep up with all of the information that comes out on a daily basis, however, there is a website dedicated to sharing some of the most relevent news. The site has a "Medical & Scientific" section, and another simply named "Everything Else". It also has an "Archive" section, but it only has a small collection compared to the countless articles already published.

Please feel free to visit the site (linked below) to see what "news" is shared, because...

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes