Individual Volunteers

People with Lyme and tick borne diseases sometimes need additional information, or support from those who have been there/done that on their road to recovery. A helping hand to sort out the often confusing array of diagnostic and treatment options is often much desired, but hard to find.

Below is a list of volunteers who have offered to help others. You can email them and if appropriate you can discuss setting up a time to have a follow up phone conversation. Unless otherwise noted, these are not professional health care providers and they can not diagnose or treat any illness. Please contact a doctor if you need medical assistance.

Listings By State

Florida Volunteers

Bonnie- Ft Myers, Florida.

"I'll do whatever I can."


[My note- especially good with children's issues.]

Maryland Volunteers

Chaya- Maryland

My name is Chaya. I am an LGSW and aspiring Play Therapist, who has experienced Lyme and tick borne diseases first hand. I’d like to teach people some basics about pendulum testing, which has been an invaluable tool on my journey toward wellness. I’d also be happy to share information about orgonite and grounding. Please email me to set up a date and time to chat. Thank you.

Additional Information from Chaya (Where I have purchased orgonite) (A book about grounding)

Anita Bains- 410-255-9745 or 410-302-5446

Elmer Dengler-

Mary Byrd Brown- Byrdie's Maryland Lyme Disease Information- Click Here

Last Updated- February 2019

Lucy Barnes