If you were denied reimbursement for heavy metal tests related to your chronic Lyme disease, feel free to use the following information.

Heavy Metal Testing

Lab and test information:

DDI is a licensed CLIA laboratory with appropriate state certifications [including New York] and participates in numerous quality assurance/proficiency testing programs including the College of American Pathology, New York State DOH and Le Centre de Toxicologie du Quebec.

Doctor’s Data, Inc.(DDI), a premier clinical laboratory with over 35 years’ experience, provides specialty testing to healthcare practitioners around the world. A specialist and pioneer in essential and toxic elemental testing of multiple human tissues, the laboratory offers a wide array of functional testing. DDI’s tests are utilized in the assessment, detection, prevention, and treatment of heavy metal burden, nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal function, hepatic detoxification, metabolic abnormalities, and diseases of environmental origin.

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes
