This Is The Message For...

Those Responsible For

The Flawed Tests,

The Failed Vaccine,

The Extremely Underestimated Number of Cases


The Unsuccessful Insurance-Friendly Treatment Protocols

They Are The Same Ones Who Continue

Trying To Convince Everyone

There Is No Such Thing As Chronic Lyme Disease

They feel our concerns over Lyme disease causes

Our doctors and patients to feel needless upset and anxiety.

In Their Own Words...

Lyme disease is the cause of a lot of anxiety and discussion.

The aim of this study was to examine... feelings of anxiety...

... uncertainties concerning the sequelae after treatment.

... vaccine development may help calm public anxiety about Lyme disease...

Members of the Association (ILADS) induce one another with hypochondriac fantasies of a disease, sometimes exceeding the limits of a delusion...

... leads to irrational social behaviour, which can be described as an induced hypochondria.

The Internet has become a source of many unreliable information on boreliosis, which may potentially impose a serious threat to patients' health.

... do not forget the possibility of induced anxiety disorder, hypochondria, or a propagated distrust to the doctors and pay more attention to the patients.

... and to attempt to allay the anxiety that is sometimes associated with this disease.

The widespread anxiety about the long-term consequences of the illness...

The patients were not more depressed, anxious, or hypochondriacal than the normal population...

... encouraging out-of-door activities... without anxiety as to the risks of contracting tick-borne disease...

Lyme arthritis has a negligible mortality and low morbidity but causes disproportionate popular anxiety.

Because of confusion over conflicting reports, anxiety related to vulnerability to disease, and sensationalized and inaccurate lay media coverage, a new syndrome, "chronic Lyme disease," has become established.

Extensive coverage in the press about the serious effects of Lyme disease has led to widespread anxiety about this illness that is far out of proportion to the actual morbidity that it causes.

Disagreement between the belief systems has led to confusion and anxiety...

... avoid unnecessary anxiety about possible long-term complications of Lyme disease...

... in large measure because of fears that it does not respond to current antibiotic regimens.

This anxiety has led to the use of untested drugs and longer courses of therapy

Concern... has convinced many patients that they have a permanent disease...

Extensive publicity in the lay press about the effects of Lyme disease has led to widespread anxiety...

Although there has been great concern about congenital Lyme disease

Virtually all children will respond well to treatment for any stage of Lyme disease.

One result of this anxiety is over-diagnosis and over-treatment in many endemic and near-to-endemic areas.

... to eliminate anxiety about not treating possible true Lyme disease...

... and this information can calm public anxiety.

Fear of Lyme disease may be as powerful as the disease itself.

... a positive result in the face of vague symptoms can add to the problem.

Fibrositis ... may trigger this disorder, but some investigators propose that it is a result of musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbance, and anxiety over the disease.

Lyme anxiety

In areas where anxiety about the disease is high, patients and physicians often ascribe clinical concerns to Lyme disease.

How Wrong Can They Be?

Lucy Barnes