Harford County Lyme Disease Support Group, Inc.


Mrs. Jean F. Galbreath, Founder & President

Retired After Several Decades of Volunteering

Thank you Jean!

Harford County Proclamation

Lyme Disease Awareness Month

Jean F. Galbreath, President (center) &

Betty Fuller, Treasurer (left)

Community Educational Outreach Programs

Maryland Outreach Programs

Educating & Supporting

Our Children in Rural

Harford County


Pumpkin Fests


Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger

Thanks Mrs. Jean F. Galbreath

22 Years of Dedicated Service


Senator Chris Van Hollen

Honors Mrs. Jean F. Galbreath

For Her Dedication To Educating

Marylanders About Lyme Disease


Maryland General Assembly

Awards Mrs. Jean F. Galbreath An Official Citation For

22 Years Of Volunteer Service


Special Salute Honoring

Mrs. Jean F. Galbreath

From the National Lyme Disease Association, Inc.


Warmest Thanks To Mrs. Jean Galbreath, President

Harford County Lyme Disease Support Group, Inc.

For Volunteering To Sponsor

The Website Dedicated To Helping

Our Precious Children & Their Parents



Congressional Commendation!

Senator Barbara Mikulski

Honoring Mrs. Jean F. Galbreath, President

Harford County Lyme Disease Support Group, Inc.

Click Here


Dr. Joseph Burrascano &

Mrs. Jean F. Galbreath

Lyme Rights Rally- Valhalla, NY



Mrs. Jean F. Galbreath, President

Harford County Lyme Disease Support Group, Inc.

Awarded The Lyme Disease Association's

Liz Heininger Memorial Education Grant- 2016


The Harford County Lyme Disease Support Group, Inc. is one of the longest running volunteer Lyme disease support groups in the country. Educating the public and health care professionals originally began in 1990, and the group was officially incorporated in January 1997.

HCLDSG President, Mrs. Jean Galbreath, held regular monthly meetings and provided educational material for a variety of groups and events over the many years, while providing patients much needed individual assistance on a daily basis.

Twenty-seven years later Mrs. Galbreath continues with her efforts to educate the public about Lyme and tick borne diseases. She and some of her group members also actively contribute to the ongoing efforts of many state and national Lyme-related group projects.

The Harford County Lyme Disease Support Group, Inc is an all volunteer 501(c)3 registered non-profit. Educational outreach programs and special events are scheduled throughout the year.

If you have questions or would like information on Lyme and tick borne diseases, please contact our volunteer email correspondent Lucy Barnes at AfterTheBite@gmail.com

Mrs. Jean F. Galbreath, President

Harford County Lyme Disease Support Group, Inc.

PO Box 13

Street, Maryland 21154



Harford County Lyme Disease Support Group, Inc.

Donated Over 2,097 Volunteer Hours for

Lyme Disease Education in 2013!

May Lyme Disease Awareness Month Activities


Additional Information

2013 Events

2014 Past Events

2016 Programs HCLDSG

APG- Aberdeen Proving Grounds News

Commendation- Senator Mikulski

Corey Dregier

County Leads Maryland

Fighting the Battle of a Lifetime

Harford County Articles

Harford County Promotes Lyme Awareness

Harford County Tick Talk- Lyme Aid

Harford County, We've Got Answers!

Harford Leads in Number of Cases

Harford Leads State in Lyme Cases

Harford Residents Urged To Take Caution

Harford Screening of Under Our Skin

Harford Sheriff Treated For Lyme Disease

Harford County Social Services Business Listings

LDA Grant 2016

Letter To The Editor- Star Democrat

Liz Heininger Award Program

Lyme Creeping Up in Harford County

Lyme Disease Bill Set For Hearing

May 04 Program

Outreach- Local Events

Past programs

Patients In Twelve States Make A Difference- Lyme Times

Pumpkin Fest Benefits Harford County Lyme Disease Support Group

Raising Funds for the Children

Reported Cases- Stats for 2013

Reports of Lyme Disease in Harford County

HR 4701- No Amendment

Maryland Lyme Hearing Action Alert

Harford County Councilman Reveals He Is Battling Lyme Disease

Aberdeen Proving Grounds- May Awareness Program 2004

Last Update- April 2019

Lucy Barnes
