New website to help you prevent getting bitten (again).

If you have been recently bitten...

In highly endemic areas it is recommended to treat a tick bite immediately to prevent developing Lyme or other tick borne diseases. Maryland has some of the highest rates of infected ticks and cases of Lyme disease in the United States.

Please remember less than 10% of children get a Lyme rash, and less than 50% of reported cases in Maryland indicate a rash was observed. Do not wait for a rash or symptoms to appear before taking action!

Health care professionals that treat many tick borne disease patients have recommendations on how to treat a bite. Several studies have recently discredited the old theory that it is effective to treat with simply one dose of doxycycline to prevent Lyme disease and that one dose may negatively alter future test results.

Get it Right, Treat the Bite!

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes