Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome can be caused by a number of irritants. Lyme patients can develop leaky gut from the various infections, use of antibiotics and other drugs, or yeast overgrowth. Below are notes from various sources that may help you understand the condition and with the help of your health care professional, properly address it.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

"Enzymes deficiency, irritants such as alcohol and drugs, chemical preservatives, food allergies and toxins create inflammation and contribute to the Leaky Gut Syndrome. Nutrients are not properly absorbed, creating nutritional deficiencies. Food particles that normally do not pass through the intestinal tract leak into the bloodstream creating toxic and allergic reactions.

Antibodies (the body's defense team) attack these invaders as if they were infections but are unable to kill food particles. These food particles may look like the body's natural enemies (antigens) on tissue. In its exuberance, the immune system can attack joints as in arthritis; collagen and skin as in lupus; the nerve sheath known as MS or multiple sclerosis; or muscles as in fibromyalgia. Irritable bowel, with constipation, diarrhea, abdominal bloating and swollen extremities, can result from Leaky Gut Syndrome."

Full article, click here.


"The amino acid L-glutamine is considered the primary energy source of the healing intestinal cell."

Full article, click here.


Intestinal Permeability Testing- click here and here.

Fungus Focus, click here.

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes
