After The Bite

Lucy Barnes

In the early 1980's, a Maryland mother set out to educate the public and health care professionals about a newly emerging infectious disease when her child became ill after being bitten by ticks. She spent years educating legislators, the public, government officials and health care professionals. She approached anyone who would listen and even those who wouldn't.

Her tireless efforts led to the establishment of "May Is Lyme Disease Awareness Month", which is now observed both nationally and internationally. She was also responsible for the first official Proclamation declaring May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month (Maryland- Governor William Donald Schaefer).

Her original volunteer efforts continue today. In her memory After The Bite was established in 1985 and the first Lyme Disease Support Group Meeting in the USA came to be.

As a tribute to her I have continued to do my best to educate and assist patients, health care professionals from all fields, support group leaders and the general public. Currently, people and medical professionals from over 80 different countries use the information found on Maryland Lyme.

Thank you mom, so very much! You literally saved my life!

Lucy Barnes, Director

Lyme Disease Education and Support Groups of Maryland

(3 Minute Video)


2019 & 2020- Currently assisting, researching and submitting scientific and medical documentation for the newly formed federal Tick Borne Disease Working Group. Providing written testimony and/or verbal comments during each meeting. Continuing work on and updating on 20 plus websites that provide information for medical professionals, patients and the general public.

Assisting with legislative bills, Lyme studies, new treatment methods, newly developed tests, and social media. Working one-on-one with patients & doctors on a daily basis.

2018- Along with continuing educational efforts, website updating (14 sites w/ over 4 million visitors per year) and individual patient support, I am currently assisting, researching and submitting scientific and medical documentation for the newly formed federal Tick Borne Disease Working Group.

I am also involved in ongoing state and federal legislative efforts and have numerous ongoing Lyme related projects I continue to work on and/or that are being developed. To see my website with lists of legislative bills and legal cases, click here.

I am assisting with legal cases, assisting our dedicated volunteer support group leaders nationally and internationally, writing press releases, researching the scientific literature daily and dispursing the information. To reveiw a collection of some of these efforts, click here.

Websites Prepared By After The Bite:

Get It Right- Treat The Bite

Children & Tick Borne Diseases

Lyme & TBD Rashes

Lyme Disease Symptoms

Treating Lyme Disease

Florida Lyme

Del-Mar-Va Lyme

Washington DC Lyme

Virginia Lyme

New Jersey Lyme Resource

Mental Health Issues & Lyme Disease

Modes of Transmission- Lyme Disease

Doxycycline, Cancer & Tick Borne Diseases

Parks & Tick Borne Diseases

Lyme Vaccine

Knowledge Is Power

Military Lyme

Lyme History- Publications Library- Lucy Barnes

Lyme Memorial

Prepare for Disasters

(2 Additional Sites Under Construction)

* * *

Presented Programs For Public & Health Care Professionals- Total- 629

Organized, Founded and Led Lyme Disease Educational Support Groups- Total- 4

Support Groups (Nationwide)- Assisted With Organization, Research, Providing Materials, Writing Media Announcements- Total- 44

Fund Raiser for Dr. Charles R. Jones- Raised $51,245.21 in 2014 to help keep his doors open so he could continue seeing children.

Fund Raiser for Dr. Charles R. Jones- Raised $45,000 plus towards legal fees (2013-2014).

Legal Cases- Initiated and/or Assisted With Research, Documentation, Support, Media Notices, etc.- Total- 29

Conferences Attended (LDA & ILADS, etc.)- Total- 31

Conferences- Assisted Before, During & After- Total- 30

Protests, Rallies- Organized and/or Attended- Total- 36

Started Green Santa Program (2000)- An effort to help children with Lyme and limited resources have a happy holiday.

Doctor's Medical Board Hearings- Researched, Assisted Attorneys, Provided Documents, Organized Rallies, Attended- Total- 16

Legislative Bills- In Various States & Federal Legislation- Researched, Worked With State Officials, Contacts Directly With Legislators, Letter Writing Campaigns, Submitted Written Testimony, Assisted Support Groups, Media Contacts, Advised Patients & Group Leaders- 56

Lucy Barnes

Select Articles, Letters & Publications

It's Lyme Time You Knew!

1st Lyme related article published in the USA from a chronically ill Lyme patient and Lyme treating doctors perspective (NOT by IDSA/CDC or their supporters). It was painstakingly researched in the library- involving many trips- and written on a typewriter before the patient had a computer).

It took months to research and compose. The article was also based on personal experiences and from helping others.

It was published by the Record Observer in Centreville, MD in 1998, and then by some of its 'sister papers' on the eastern shore of Maryland. To see the article click here.

Additional Articles

Hundreds of additional articles, letters to the editor and

Interviews by Lucy Barnes can be found on this site...


Don't Forget, Do A Tick Check!

Last Updated- July 2020

Lucy Barnes