"I Have CHRONIC Lyme Disease"

June 2019

The CDC definition....

QUOTE- "Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans." Source

Well, WE don't have Lyme diseae, we have CHRONIC Lyme disease. Totally different. And we need to start making that difference clear to everyone, crystal clear- to doctors, insurers, the CDC/IDSA and everyone else that has kept us from getting properly diagnosed and treated.

Each time you speak or write about YOUR illness please use the words CHRONIC Lyme Disease. Let's tell it like it is!

We even have an official definition. Let's use it and share it.


Let's start making the CDC's restricted Lyme definition a thing of the past that falls to the wayside as it should have done decades ago. Let's bring CHRONIC Lyme disease to the forefront and keep it there!

"I have chronic Lyme disease."

"I have chronic Lyme disease."

"I have chronic Lyme disease."

Use the word and spread the word. You can make a difference!

Lasdt Update June 2019

Lucy Barnes
