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Strategies for Juggling Class Work

written by Daria H.

March 15, 2021

Have you ever been struggling with grades and have not had enough time to raise them? Well, this article is for you!

Strategy 1: Make a Schedule

I know you already have a schedule with school and your classes. But do you have one for homework? After school you should set a block of time where you work on homework from today or any missing work.

For example, at 4 p.m.- 5 p.m. I can work on math class. I will do today’s homework and then any missing work from last week. If you have a lot of missing work for a class, pick a day of the week where you will work on a certain class and its missing work.

Strategy 2: Plan Ahead

You may or may not know that Galileo has free planners for students. You can get one from the school’s front office, buy one, or make one. If you don’t have time to get one this week, that is alright, you can just set a reminder on your phone or on a piece of paper! With your planner I suggest planning one day every week to see if you have any missing work and to check on your grade. Find some time to complete the work that day in a space that will not distract you from your work and is quiet enough for you to focus. Also, after every class write down in your planner your homework for that class and after school complete it.

Strategy 3: Reward Yourself

Every time you finish a week of missing work, or have no missing work, or all A’s in a given week, for each class you should reward yourself. You can treat yourself to a favorite meal, maybe watch a movie, get your favorite drink from Starbucks, or more. You will work harder for rewards and then have a passing grade for your classes.

Strategy 4: Give yourself a Pat on Your Back

Now you have some strategies to help you get a great grade and have no missing work. Also don’t forget to get a good night sleep to have energy to do schoolwork. When you do your homework and missing work don’t forget to take a break and walk away for a good 10 minutes. This will help to give you a fresh start and attitude to continue working hard. Congratulations! Now you have good grades, and you will pass your grade level.