Identity V- The Game of Escape

written by Makayla N.

April 26, 2021

The game allows players to choose/unlock survivors & hunters and decide whether or not they want to hunt down survivors or survive from the hunter. The game has multiple seasons with new skins, emotes, graffiti, and story quests for survivors/hunters.

Identity V is a multiplayer horror video game developed by NetEase Games. It was released in April 2, 2018.

What is the Goal of Identity V?

In the game you are able to “Read Diary '' As you'll be able to choose whether you want to play Ranked match, Custom match, Normal, Tarot, Blackjack, or Duo hunters. In each game mode, you have the choice of being a survivor or hunter.

Is Identity V Child Friendly?

Identity V is child friendly but at the same time it is not. It really depends on who you are teamed up with and if you are sensitive to horror and scary surprises. There is a public chat which I suggest staying away from, as most of them are not exactly child friendly. You can choose to chat with your friends on the game though, but again be cautious of who you add. You never know someone's true colors unless you know them in real life.

This game is horror but it's an appropriate one for kids, as in the game when a hunter hits a survivor there is absolutely no gore or blood. The survivor just gets injured. There is no blood, organs; just hanging out from the characters so this type of horror game is perfect for kids.

What Does the Game Look Like exactly?

When downloading the game on whatever device you have it will have this image:

When entering the game, if you are new, you will go through the story then a tutorial. In the story you are introduced as a detective going to an abandoned place, as it says someone has sent you a letter. You are able to choose your username on that envelope. You end up getting locked inside this mysterious place. You decide to investigate further to pass the time. As you find a diary that had belonged to someone, you begin investigating what exactly had happened in the place you are locked in. You are a detective, yes, but you still want out of this place. But really you are just stuck in this place and forced to investigate. The investigation is basically the matches you play with the characters.

Image examples:

What Does our Avatar/Character look like?

In the beginning of the game, you only have a small room and the detective skin, as you have not really played any matches yet. When you start earning puzzle pieces and experience, you will be able to unlock a new room which will allow you to go to the “Mirror” and change yourself into one of the five survivors or the hunter you start with.

Each survivor has a unique talent. Doctor can heal themselves. Gardener can destroy rocket chairs, which is how the hunter can kill you. Thief can stun the hunter with a flashlight, and Lawyer has a map that shows him where every cipher is and where the hunter has spawned in the map. Each hunter has unique abilities just like the Survivors do, as Leo (who you start with) can spawn a clone of himself or place dolls around, that can either hit you or he can teleport back to a previous location. Survivors can deactivate dolls but it will alarm the hunter.

Characters Design shown here:

The Mirror (Self Examination) example:

What are these puzzle pieces and fragments you keep speaking about?

Puzzle pieces and Fragments are in game currencies to buy skins, characters (Survivors & Hunters), and buying memory spheres. Memory spheres can give emotes, graffiti, skins, and early access to new characters added to the game.

You can earn these by playing matches and earning “Dice”. By rolling these dice, you start moving up on the board and start earning puzzle pieces, Inspirations, and memory spheres. Inspirations can be used to open more memory spheres rather than having to earn more dice.

There are also “Echos”. In the game, you can buy with real life money, Echos can be used to buy more inspirations, characters, or special items in the “Shop”.

Example of Shop and In-game currency:

Puzzle pieces can only be obtained by playing matches and earning dice or if the game gifts you some. Fragments can only be earned by getting the same item twice or having a high rank and earning the rewards for it at the end of the season. Echos are only obtained by buying them with real life money. Inspiration can only be obtained by buying it with echos or earning it on the board.

Example of the board:

Match Types

Normal Match:

All 4 Survivor’s goal is to survive from the hunter and decode all 5 machines, escaping through the exit.. Multiple machines spawn on the map that way the hunter cannot immediately find you.

The maps are randomly chosen each game unless you are in a custom match. You can be hit one time then the second time you are hit by the hunter you are knocked down and they can place you on a rocket chair.

Image example:

Rank Match:

In rank match it is pretty much the same thing as a normal match except you have a rank on the line. If you escape and end up winning as a survivor your rank will get higher. However if you lose and end up getting eliminated, your rank will lower. The same goes for Hunters. If the Hunters win the rank will improve but if they lose their rank lowers. If it is a draw (meaning two survivors live and 2 have been eliminated), the rank stays the same.

Example image of ranks:

Custom Match:

Same Rules as a Normal match, except you can choose your map, who is hunter, and who you want to play with. You can also play with bots to get some practice in, and choose their difficulty.

Playing this does not affect you, but it also will not allow you to earn any dice or experience. The limit is 5 people that can play as if you have 4 people. It'll give the option to invite one more but then you are forced to do a custom match.

Example image:

Duo Hunters:

In Duo Hunters, it allows you to be a hunter with another person instead of just you hunting. This game mode gives you more experience. However, since there are now 2 hunters, there are now 8 survivors. The goal is still the same except survivors can now be hit twice and can buy things in a shop that will spawn on the map. It is like a little telephone. The decoding progress will be slower however, so that way it is not completely unfair to hunters as well as the survivors now have to decode 7 machines instead of 5.

Example image:


In Tarot mode, there are 2 teams of 1 king, 2 squires, and 1 knight. These teams will go against each other in a match. The king's job is to stay alive and not be put on a chair, the squires protect their king and the 2 knights' jobs are to eliminate the enemy king before the other. Kings and squires are able to be hit twice and buy things with points to help them. They buy these things with points from the mini shop and earn by decoding. However, knights can also buy items to boost their chance of winning as well. Hunters earn their points by hitting and knocking down the knights or squires.

Black Jack:

During Black Jack, your goal is to survive and keep your points under (cannot be too low) 20 or exactly 20. Your points will get higher or lower with the random cards you are given. If you go over the point limit, you will become a hunter and your goal then is to trade cards with another survivor, you knock down and give them the majority of your points making you safe. The goal of the game is basically to be the last one standing and win with the points you have which is exactly 20. If you and another survivor both do not have exactly 20, then the game will decide who wins by looking at whoever is closer to 20 points.

Example image:

Want more information on the game? Check out these links!

April 2, 2018, NetEase Inc, NetEase Games